All crop circle images on this page are FREE to download and distribute, providing you do not crop the image, excluding the title, and by giving attribution with link to this web page. |
Crop circle discovered on 8th August 2010 at Stanton Bridge, near Honey Street, Wiltshire, UK
Link to original crop circle image at Lucy Pringle webpage
Notes the discrepancies in red and green arrows on right image. The two sea horse type images are clearly not symmetrical. |
Gen 25:23 And Yahweh said to her: "Two nations are in your womb"
It is my unwavering opinion that Crop Circles are from God. The Crop Circles on this website is my personal selected choice of what I consider to be some of the most significant patterns with a message. None of crop circle images on this website are original. Every image was carefully analysed and reconstructed to reflect a 1:1 ratio as though they were photographed from directly above. I deliberately included the tramlines in all the images to create an authentic feel, and I believe that in some cases, they are part of intended hidden message.
Prophecies and Crop Circles images are like parables or enigma's. By curiosity, we try to unravel and determine the intended message. If we fail to discern it before hand, it will be discerned in retrospect. |
Crop Circle Homepage |
Raymond Aguilera Prophecy Homepage |
Related Tags: White Horse - Black Horse - Perez - Zehar ( Alternate spelling Pharez - Zahar ) - Perez Breach
New Birth - Sea Horse Gestation - Pregnancy - 38 Weeks - Nine months to early tenth month.
A New Day - New Beginnings - Circumcision of the Heart - Everlasting Covenant - Ketubah
Crescent Moon - Waxing Moon - Waning Moon - Illumination approximately 23.3%
Gen 25:23 And Yahweh said to her: "Two nations are in your womb, Two peoples shall be separated from your body; One people shall be stronger than the other, And the older shall serve the younger."
Date formats: 8th Aug 2010 >> 8 Aug 2010 >> 8 August 2010 >> Aug 8, 2010 >> August 8, 2010