2101. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 July 2012 at 8:54 AM.
I was given two visions and then a prophecy during prayer.
I saw a Large Sword waving, like it was in battle over the planet earth. This sword was twice the size of the earth.
Then I was shown a loosely dressed woman sitting with her legs crossed, with the planet earth in-between her legs. I was led to believe she was a prostitute.
By His (Jesus Christ's) stripes you were healed. What manner of death would you like? For you have a choice - Heaven or the pit. Keep hiding your head, and I will show you what is ahead of you, or if your head will be still on your body. The coarse for this world will be hard and unpredictable. Save yourselves, read the Bible, pray and seek your brothers and sisters in Christ. Unite the Body of Christ, for everyone's faith will be tested.
Reymundo and Carl, make yourselves ready to leave for Israel. The Heart of Jesus is there, and ready for the end of this world, as you know it. The day, hour, the minute no one knows, but the Father. So do not be caught with your pants down. My Spiritual Soldiers are ready 24 hours a day.
Leave man's churches if you want to survive. For many are not seeking Jesus Christ, even though they say they are. Bless me churches are delusional, and are not really serving the Lord. Save yourselves. Seek Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit with a true heart and spirit, and He will protect you with the Power of His Word. So be it! So be it! So be it!
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