2238. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 July 2014 at 6:39 AM

The Lord said, "The Flower of God has landed."

I asked the Lord, "What is the Flower of God?"

The Lord said, "The Hurricane that will hit the United States."

I asked the Lord, "Why?"

The Lord said, "Because of President Obama's lack of respect for the things of God, for being a rubber President, and for bouncing from evil to evil. He will not believe this Prophecy, but he will realize it, when I pin him to the wall like someone pins a butterfly to a board.

Elder, Elder, Israel is right around the corner. Get ready in the Spirit for the coming days and obey the Words of your Lord and Saviour.

The clock is ticking and nothing will change My Timing. People open your Bibles and read the Ways of God in the Spirit of God.



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