2327. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 February 2016 at 12:50 PM


The Lord showed me a pocket of a coat, and said, "Do you see My Pocket?"

I said, "Yes".



Then the Lord said, "Everyone who obeys My Words will be placed in My Pocket for safekeeping. Then I will take you to Heaven, when I have finished cleaning up this small world. I would like to also say; I have enough room in My Pocket for the whole planet.

Come and read about your God, Jehovah in the Bible. He will take you to Heaven if you love and obey. I also have this large pit with a large divide that separates it from Heaven. You would not understand if I tried to explain this divide, for your minds are not able to understand Godly Principles on this level. But take My Word for it; it is there to separate the good from evil.

If you read the Bible, you will find a scripture, which says, "Seek and you will find." Seek Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and you will most definitely find your God and Heaven. Your presence is needed in Heaven for We are going to have a large party there, where there will be dancing, fellowship, and sharing the things of God. This is true and very deep to understand in the flesh, but in the Spirit it will become very simple and pleasurable. Jump into My Pocket, and take the first step into real living. That is all for now, but Reymundo will write more from Me at another time. So be it! So be it! So be it!"



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