2335. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 March 2016 at 7:03 AM


The Lord showed me a stake being driven into the ground in the center of the old City of Jerusalem. Then the Lord gave me this Word.


I am what was, what is, what is going to be, the beginning and the end of all. The time has come to cleanup this little planet.

Reymundo, I want you to send this prophecy to Benjamin Netanyahu. I want him to select seven righteous and holy men. Then, I want them to blow their shofars, while walking around the Old Walled City of Jerusalem three complete times. Then have them walk through the Old City of Jerusalem blowing their shofars. I will direct them to the location where I want My New Temple placed.

We are approaching the end of the old world, and entering a New Jerusalem time. The Power and Might of Jehovah will lead you to the location of My Temple. The Hand of Jehovah will be there with My Warring Angels.

The time has come to clean up this little planet. I have told Israel this day was coming; this point in time has arrived. This is clear and to the point. I’m going to open up the Heavens for the building and the completion of My New Temple. I will give you more instructions on another date. Benjamin Netanyahu – be strong, be brave, and do as I ask, for salvation is at your doorstep. So be it! So be it! So be it!



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