12. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 December 1990 in English.

How are you? How are you? Oh My Goodness. Oh My Goodness. What's this world coming to? Ya, sir. What's this world coming to, it's unbelievable? Ya, sir. I don't know. I don't know. I seem to be talking to Myself. Nobody seems to be listening.

That's okay. That's okay. For those that are meant to listen will listen, those that are not, won't. Yes! Either you go to the right, or you go to the left. It doesn't matter. No sir. For I know Mine. I know Mine. I know every single one.

Why sure! Why sure! They belong to My Son. They belong to My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Ya, I gave them, all to Him. I gave them, all to Him. Ya, Ya, I gave them all to Him.

"Idn't" that nice. "Idn'd" that nice. What a Father will do to His Son. Ya Ya, that's what I did. I chose the best, nothing but the best. They are going to go with My Son, very soon, very soon, very soon.

That's the way Fathers are when they Love their Sons. They Love their Sons, and My Christ, My Jesus. Yes, My Own, My Very Own Son. Ya. How are you? How are you? How are you? Because if you're okay, why aren't you listening? Oh....

You know, there once was a man. He was tall. He stood up straight. He was a Warrior. He was a mighty Warrior. A very good Man in his time. You know in his time, a long, a long ago.

This man believed in Me. He believe in Me with his whole heart, and I touched his heart, and He touched My Heart, and this mighty Warrior did My Bidding, did My Bidding.

He was always under attack, always under attack. The enemy did atrocious things to him, atrocious things to him. Yes, He gave him sores. He killed his father, mother, his wife, and his kids. And this mighty Warrior never forsaked Me, never forsake Me, and then the devil, this Satan.

The Satan of the world did more evil to him, more evil to him. He cried in pain. He cried in agony, and no one would listen to him. He could find no peace, but Me. I was his Peace, because I was his Father. I was his Father, with Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. He had no one, but pain, suffering, and Me. He never forsaked Me. He never forsaked Me.

No, He was a mighty Warrior, a mighty Warrior. Satan... Satan did a lot of atrocities to him. He did a lot of atrocities to him, but I would not let him kill him. No way! No way, would the Father let him kill him. Satan wanted to. He wanted to, so bad, but I said, and I ordered, and I commanded,

"Satan, don't you harm him. I harmed him, because I let you harm him. Listen to Me. You are not to kill him. You are not to kill him. For he is a good man. His heart is pure. His heart is pure, and pure," and Satan said, "Let me kill him, Let me kill him." And I said, "Satan stand behind Me. Stand behind Me Satan. For this is My Warrior. This is My Warrior. He has withstood all the atrocities. He withstood all the atrocities for My Namesake, for My Namesake,"

And My Warrior, after the attacks, after the attacks, I made him well. I healed his wounds. I healed his wounds. My Warrior was happy later, but still, He remembered, but He laughed. He remembered, but He laughed for his Father's sake, for his Father's sake.

But He trusted his Father, the Great I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. But He trusted the Father. He trusted the Father. Everything worked out well, but He still remembered the past. He still remembered the past. And I rewarded him. I rewarded Him for his Faithfulness. Yes,

He was a mighty Warrior, a mighty, mighty Warrior. I would like to see more Warriors like that. Oh, how would Heaven be Glorified, if I had more Warriors like that? Instead, there is nothing down here on the Planet, but weak necked, pride people, pride people. Who place themselves before Me, and place other men before Me.

Oh, oh, how Heaven could be, if I had more people like this Warrior. This Warrior that's so close to My Heart. Oh, oh, My Jesus, My Jesus, My Jesus, I will find you nothing but the best. Nothing but the best, nothing but the best.

Oh, what has happened? What has happened to My Warriors, My Warriors? Oh, oh, the devil is a devil, a devil. He attacks My Warriors from behind when they do not know. He attacks the sides. They gang up on My Warriors, 500, 600, 8,000, even as much as 6,000,000 on one Warrior, because they are trying to win him.

But My Warriors, My Warriors are strong. They are strong. They swing that sword. They swing that shield. They hack them to death, and they hack them, and they send them to the Pit.

They hack, and they swing, they hack, and they swing in My Name, and they hack, and they swing, and they hack, and they swing, and they use the shield, and they use that shield. They use that shield. They have that helmet, and they have that helmet. They have their breast plate.

Oh Ya! Oh Yes! Oh Yes! and Satan knows, and the number does not matter, because My Warriors are strong. They are strong. They are oppressed. They are oppressed. They have that Sword. They have that Sword. They do not hesitate to swing. They swing, and they hack, and they kill, and they hack, and they kill.

Yes! Yes! That's My True Warrior. My True Warrior. Who stand firm in the Word. Who stands firm in the Word. Listen to My Words. Look at the Bible. Look at the Bible.

All you weak, you weaklings look at the Bible. get yourself strong, get yourself strong. Put on My Armor. Put on My Armor. That's the only chance you have. That's the only chance you have against the wicked one.

Put on My Armor, My Armor is right there. It is right there in the Bible. It is right there in your soul. Put on your Armor everyday. Put on your Armor everyday. For the evil one will get you. For the evil one will get you, and without the Armor, you will fall. You will fall.

I am warning you. This is your Father. This is your Father, the Great I am, I am, I am. Put on your Armor. Put on your Armor. This is not a game. This is not a game. This is to the death. This is to the death. This is to the death. This is a War. This is a War.

Put on the Armor everyday, everyday My Children. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Words. The evil one, the evil one is around you, all over, even in the church, even the elders of the church. Hee, Hee, even the elders of the church are demons, are demons.

Beware, beware. Do not listen to everything they say. For they speak for Satan. They speak for Satan. They speak with a forked tongue. They speak with a forked tongue. Listen My Soldiers, My Soldiers. Keep that Armor up. Keep that Armor up. Keep that breast Plate up.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! The helmet of salvation is there, and everything else you need is in the Bible. In the Bible do not be swayed to the right. Do not be swayed to the left.

Please, please, put on the Armor, the Armor. For the false ones, the false ones, the false teachers, the false ones are here now. They have always been with you. They will eat you up. They will eat you up. Most of all, most of all beware of the elders of the church.

Beware, beware, beware, beware. There are a lot of Good Ones, many Good Ones, but there are many bad ones. My Heart Cries. My Heart Cries on how Satan got into the church, but he wants to kill the Body from the middle. He wants to kill the Body from the middle. He is trying to shatter My Sheep. He is trying to shatter My Sheep.

But I will get him, I will get him, and all of his followers. I will get them every single one. So Repent! Repent! Look at the Word. Look at the World. Look at the Word. The Holy One, The Holy One, The Holy One, The Holy One, The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is your guide. He is your guide.

Listen to Him. Listen to Him. He will protect you. He will protect you. Listen to the Word. Listen to the Word. Listen to the Word, that I gave to you many, many years ago to your fathers, and your father's fathers.

For the evil one is here. For the evil one is here. He is around. He is in the church. He is all over. You cannot move without touching him, but with your Armor, with your Armor, you cannot be swayed to the right, or to the left.

SWING THAT SWORD!! SWING THAT SWORD,!! fast and hard and straight! Swing that sword!! Do not care who you hit. Do not care who you hit because I am with you. I am with you.

The Righteous, the Righteous, the Righteous, the Great I am, I am, I am. I am here, I am here, I am in the mist. I am going to keep My Flock. I am going to keep My Flock.

I will not lose One. I will not lose One. For you are in My Hands. You're in My Hands, but listen to My Words. Listen to My Words. Place the Armor. Place the Armor on you everyday. Place the Armor on you everyday.

Warning , Warning, Warning. Do not look up to your pastors. Do not look up to your pastors. They are evil. They are evil. Look to your Father First. Look to your Father First. Look to your Father First. The Great I am, I am, I am.

This is your Father. This your Father speaking. This is your Father speaking. There are many pastors with forked tongues. They have too much Pride, too much Ego.

They are looking for the places of Honor. They are looking for the places of Honor. They love the money. They love the money. The love the status. They love the status. I will convict them. I will convict them. I will convict them. They are going to get the worst, of the worst, of the worst.

For they swayed My People. For they swayed My People off the Path. They swayed My People off the Path. They even seduced My People. They seduced My Women, and they seduced My Men, sexually, financially, and spiritually.

Ah, ah, ah, Woah to, Woah to them, Woah to them, because My Wrath. My Wrath will not spare one of them. I will convict them. I will convict them.

Ah, ah, if they repent, if they repent, confess there sins, confess there sins, I will save them. I will save them. For I am the only way. I am the only way to Righteousness, but those who close their ears. Those that close their ears. My Wrath will be upon them to the Pit, to the Pit, to Pit, to Pit.

Listen to My Words, My Saints, My Angels, My People. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Words. I am the Truth. I am the Truth. I am the Truth. For the Day is here. The Day of reckoning is here. The Day of reckoning is here.

Listen to Me ONLY. Do not listen to anyone, but your Father, your Father, your Jesus Christ. Your Jesus Christ, and your Holy Spirit, and your Holy Spirit for without them, you have nothing. You have nothing, but the Pit, but the Pit, and the Pit is big, wide, and deep, very deep.

Oh My Children, My Children help the Body of Christ. Help the Body of Christ grow. Do not fight among each other. Do not fight among each other. Love each other. Love thy enemy. Love thy enemy.

My Children, the Body of Christ is Big, is Big, but compared to the evil it is small. It is small. Do not be afraid when I say it is small, for small to you is not the same thing. There are many, many that are going to be saved, that don't even know Jesus Christ today.

They are many, many, many thousands, and millions, and millions, and millions upon millions, of souls out there, that are going to be saved, and they don't even know Jesus Christ yet. Some aren't even born. Some aren't even born. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Words. Stay on the Path of Righteousness. Stay on the Path of Righteousness.

For the War has begun. The War has come, has come, Sunday, Dec. 2, 1990. Remember that Date. Remember that Date for that's the Day, it all began. It all began.

Where I took, I took the door, I took the Door to hell away from Satan. I took the Door. All nine doors, ah, I shut them closed. I shut them closed.

Now Satan is of the air. Now Satan is of the air. For he has no place to rest his head. He has no place to rest his head. For his power was ripped from him. Ah, Ah, All on one day. All on one day.

For this Day is a Day of Fiesta. A Day of Partying, the Day of Fiesta. The Day of Party. Ah, listen to My Words. Put on the Armor. Put on the Armor. My Loves, My Loves, My Lambs, My Lambs, My Sheep, My Sheep, Put on the Armor. Put on the Armor. Put on the Armor.

Ah, I am the Father. I am the Father. I am the Father. Listen to My Words. Listen to My Words, and ONLY MY WORDS. Open your ears. Open your ears. LISTEN TO THE FATHER ONLY, no one else, but the Father let Him be your guide. Let Him be your guide.

I will not fail you. I will not fail you. For man is wicked. For man is deceitful. Man, Man is the way to the Pit. Man is the way to the Pit. Listen to Me. Listen to Me. Open your eyes. Open your ears. The Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit is the way.

Do not fight among yourselves. Do not fight among yourselves. The churches must bind themselves together. The churches must bind together in unity, in unity, because you are surrounded.

You are surrounded, above and below, to the right, and to the left, to the north, and to the west, to the east, to the south. The enemy is all around. You must stick together. You must stick together.

This is the Word of your Father. This is the Word of your Father. For things, for things are going to get worse. They are not going to get better. They are going to get worse. So put on that Armor today. Everyday sleep with your Armor. Sleep with your Armor.

Read the Word. Read the Word. I am the I am... I am, the I am, I am the I am, the I am, I am, I am. I am the I am, I am, I am, I am. Listen to My Words. I am the I am, I am, I am, I am, I am. I am, I am, I am, I am. Ah, I am, I am, the I am.

Put on the Armor. Put on the Armor, My Children, My Lambs, My Sheep. Oh, I love you so. I love you so. I love you so. I will not lose one of you. I will not lose one of you.

Just Repent. Repent, confess your sins. Confess your sins. I will forgive anything, anything. Don't be ashamed! Don't be ashamed! Don't be ashamed!

I will forgive anything, anything. It doesn't matter, because when you open your heart to the Father, you open your heart to the Father, and He has all the love in the World. He will forgive anything.

I want you in Heaven with Me. I want you. I want you. I want you in Heaven. Oh, Oh, people please, open your hearts, confess, confess, confess. Oh, the Armor, the Armor, the Armor.

This is your Father. The I am, I am, I am, the I am, I am, I am. I love you. I love you with My Heart. My Son loves you with all of His Heart, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit (non-understandable tongues?)

A Song in Spanish.

The Love, the Love. Oh, My Love. Oh My Love. Yes, My Love, My Love Oh My Love. Ah Ah My Love. How are you? My Love. How are you? My Love, My Precious, My Precious. Oh My Love. My Love, My Precious Oh. Ah, I, I, My Precious. How is you? How is you? How is you? Oh, yea, ah, The Love, The Love, Love. Oh yea , Ah Oh My Love. My Love. How are you? (non-understandable tongues?)





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