21. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 15 December 1990 through the 1 January 1991 in Spanish.
How is it going My Sons and Daughters? How is it going My Sons and Daughters? How is it going My Sons? Yes, how did it go? How did it go?
The Doors, the Doors of Heaven, of Heaven, of Heaven. Oh the Doors of Heaven are not wide, are not wide, are not wide.
Yes, My Sons study, study the Bible. Study the Bible for the Doors, the Doors are not wide, are not wide, are not wide in Heaven, in Heaven.
Study, study My Sons, and My Daughters for your Father loves you. For your Father loves you with all of His Heart, with all of His Heart, with all of His Heart, with all of the Heart of the stars, of the world, and of all that's going to be, and how it is going to be.
Oh yes, I am the Father of everything. Oh, study. Study the Bible so you can teach yourself. So you can teach yourself. So you can teach yourself about the devil, the devil that is very mean. He is very mean. He wants to eat you. He wants to eat you.
Study My Sons and My Daughters, study. This is your God. This is your God. This is your God with your Son, with your Son, with your Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit, the Son Jesus, the Son Jesus, the Christ, the Christ, the Christ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
It's very hard. It's very hard. It's very hard, the devil. It's very hard, the devil with My Saints, with My Saints.
Yes, but the time has arrived. It has arrived. It is the Law, the Law of Jesus, the Law of Jesus, the Law of Jesus.
Hear Me! Hear Me the time has arrived. Dec. 2, Dec. 2, the War started, the War started in Heaven, in Heaven.
Help each other. Help each other in the Body of Christ, the Body of Christ, the Body of Christ, the Church, the Church, the Church of God, of God.
Help each other. Help each other. Don't fight. Don't fight. Don't fight. Help each other. Help each other for the time has arrived, has arrived. The Date that I said many years ago. The Date that I said many years ago.
Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! Go to Church, go to the Church, and study, and study the Bible, the Bible, the Bible, and eat, and eat, eat, the Communion, the Communion, the Communion. That's important! It is important. It is important My Sons.
Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! Look, look to Heaven, to Heaven. Look for Me. I am here in Heaven your Father, your Jesus, your Holy Spirit.
Call on Me! Call on Me! Call on Me with your sins, with your sins. Call on Me! Call on Me! Call on Me! For I want to hear the sins. Repent, Repent, Repent My Sons and Daughters.
Hear Me! Hear Me! The Doors are not wide. The Doors are not wide in Heaven, in Heaven. I love you so much. I love you so much, My Sons and My Daughter. Yes, My Sons and My Daughters.
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