25. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 24 December 1990 in English, Spanish, and Non- understandable tongues.
Prophecy and Occurrence:
I was just talking to my sister on the phone and we tried to review the tongues prophecy that was just recorded. This is Monday, Christmas Eve, 1990. Something really startling happened. I don't know how or what happened, but Satan somehow got into my tape recorder and erased all the stuff on the armor of God.
The Lord was telling all his Children to put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on, put the armor of God on. He kept stating it over and over again. He said it was extremely important. It was extremely important to put the armor of God on twenty-four hours a day; in the morning, in the day, and at night. Because Satan was going to attack you. That you are defenseless without that armor. That you are defenseless without it.
He went on for a long time stating it over and over. He kept saying it was extremely important to protect yourselves. To Protect yourselves. And this morning when I went to check the tape recording of the following night, it was gone. I mean it was completely erased. I'll state it again. The Lord was saying, "My Children, My Lambs, My Precious Ones, PUT THAT ARMOR ON. Put that armor on!"
The war is here and you are right in the middle of it! You are right smack in the middle of it, and you are defenseless without the armor. You are totally, completely defenseless without it. DON'T TAKE IT OFF! Don't take it off!! Put it on! Put it on!" That was all, I don't know what's going on here. So I thought I better tape this Prophecy and Occurrence while I still remembered it. I guess it's Christmas Eve, for I lost all track of time. I guess that's all, Merry Christmas everybody.
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