33. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 January 1991 in tongues English.
In Heaven, In Heaven, In Heaven. My Son, My Son, My Son in Heaven. He knows everything. He knows everything, but My Children, My Children, listen to Me. Listen to Me. This is your Father. This is your Father. Now I am talking to you. I am talking to you straight. I am talking to you as a Father. Now listen. Now listen.
When you pray, when you pray My Children; Pray; Go in a room, go in a closet. Now close the door, pull the blinds, close the windows. Turn off that television. Turn off that radio. Now listen to Me. You pray, you pray to Me, you pray to Me with your whole heart and soul.
I'll listen. I'll listen. Because there are so many distractions, there are so many distractions in this world that you tune out, man, you tune out. Listen to Me My Children. Listen to Me My Children. When you pray, pray from the heart, not from the mind. Pray from the heart, the heart of your soul.
This is your Father. This is your Father Jehovah. This is your Father Jehovah. This is your Father Jehovah. Listen My Children. If you only knew. If you could only comprehend how much love I have for you. I love you more. I love you more than you could ever love anyone; More than you could love your wife; More than you could love your Children; More than you could love your house; That car and that boat; More than you could love that money; More than you could love anything. That doesn't compare the slightest to how much I love you. How much I love you with My Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Listen to Me My Children. Listen to Me My Children. There is going to be a time. There's going to be a time that you're going to be scared. You're going to really be scared, but I'll be there. I'll be right there with you. Pray to Jesus. Pray to Jesus. He is your King. He is your King. He is the King of the world. He's My Son. He's My Son.
Listen to Me. Listen to Me. Go in your room. Close the door. Pull the blinds. Pull out the Bible or close the Bible. It doesn't matter, but just sit there and pray to Me. Pray to Me. Pray to Me. Pray to Me with your heart and soul. Then you can open the Bible and you can open the Bible and read. It doesn't matter in the order you do it.
But listen. Listen. I am listening to you with the Love of My Heart. With the love of My Heart. Man, if you only could understand, if you could only understand My Son, My Son, My Son is there. He's there with you. He's doing battle now. He is fighting the war. He is fighting the demons. He's fighting Satan.
But Listen to Me. Listen to Me. Open those ears. The first battle, the First war has started. December 2, December 2, 1990, December 2, December 2, 1990. Implant that in your brain. Implant that in your brain anyway you want to. Tattoo it on your eyelids. I don't care how you do it. That was the beginning, that was the beginning of the First war.
The First war, but listen, listen, I started the Second war too. The Second war is on its way, it's on its way. It will be here in a thousand years plus a lot of years, a thousand years plus a lot of years. I can't tell you the exact time. I don't want to tell you the exact time because then you get comfortable. Then you expect things, and you expect things, and you get lazy. I am not going to tell you the exact time and hour, but it's on its way, it's on its way. I sent, I sent and it's coming, and it's coming, there's a piece of star coming your way. There's a piece of star coming your way My Children. Yes, you're going to be frightened. You're going to be afraid. You're going to be scared.
Listen to Me My Children. Go in that room, go in that room and pray. Pray alone. Pray alone. Pray until your heart is all prayed out because that's the kind of prayer you're going to need. That's the kind of prayer you're going to need to find that peace in your heart for when those days come. For when those days come that's the only salvation you're going to have.
Then when you're finished bring your mother, your brother, your sisters. Bring your family and your Sons and Daughters and go in that room and close that door and you pray your heart out. You pray that heart out My Children because that's the only way. That's the only way that you'll find peace during those troubled times. And I mean troubled times for the earth. The earth that you think you know is going to do some very crazy things, at least you think they are going to be crazy, but everything is organized to My Plan, to My Plan, to My Plan that I said to your fathers many years ago, many, many years ago.
Now listen to Me, listen to Me. Pay Attention! Listen! Pay Attention My Children! This is your Father. This is your Father. The I am, I am, I am, am Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahweh, Yahweh, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I can't make it any plainer than this.
Listen to Me! Listen to Me! Listen to Me!
How many times do I have to say it? Be still. Be quiet and listen to what I am telling you now, for when it comes, it will be too late. And all you have is that Bible and Me, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Get your family after you finish praying by yourself. Put the family together in a room, put the family together in a room and light a candle, light a single candle. One that represents your Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Place the candle anywhere you want. That's a reminder, that's a reminder that I'll be on My Way. I'll be on My Way to take My Children, My Lambs, My Sheep to Heaven with Me.But remember, remember the violent things that are going to happen to this planet. The climates of the planet are going to change. The tides of the ocean are going to go up and down. They are going up and down and not like you've been used to. I mean they're going to go high, higher than mountains and lower than the valleys that you have on the planet. The ocean is going to rise, it's going to go down. All the ice in the North and the South are going to move. They're not just going to move slowly. I mean they're going to ram. They are going to ram continents. They are going to ram continents with such force you'd never believe such things could happen.
Open your eyes. Open your ears. Winter will not be winter. Summer will not be summer. Fall will not be fall. From all the corners of the earth, from the North, from the South, from the East, from the West, everything will be turned upside down. Then you will know that I am your God. Then you will know I am your God. Your God of Heaven and Earth. Of all that is and will be from the Universe to Universe, from the Heavens, from the Heavens.
Listen to Me My Children. The time has been Set. The Hour has been appointed. I will not tell you the Hour. I will not say the Hour to anyone. For this is your God. This is your God Jehovah. Jehovah knows all. Jehovah does all.
But listen. Listen! Bring the families together. Bring your unity, the unity in your family. All My Children, bring your brother, your sister, your son and daughter, bring them together. Pray. Pray with your heart and then bring the Body of Christ together, bring the Body of Christ together. Bring the churches together, bring the churches together My Children. Stop fighting, stop arguing over stupid little words and little lines about who is right and who is wrong because no one is right or wrong but Me, your Father Jehovah, the I am, the I am.
Now you pay attention right now!
Because the Body of Christ is enormous; There are more people in the Body of Christ than you can count. But listen to Me. This is very important. You might be in the Body of Christ and still might not make it.Why? Because of your chest. You run around with a chest sticking out thinking that you're so glorious, that you're so great. But I tell you, that chest is going to find you the pit. That big chest is going to find you the Pit. That pride, that ego. That pride, that ego. That pride, that ego that you Christians have. You think you're higher than mighty. All it's going to do is find you the Pit.
Listen! Humble yourselves. Humble yourselves. Be Meek. Be like Christ. When you're up against a problem think what would Christ do in this situation. What would Christ do in this situation? Don't boast. Don't boast. Your loud mouth is going to find you nothing but the pit, the pit, the pit.
Listen to Me. Listen to Me.
I don't want any of you to grandstand. I hate that. Oh, you don't know how much that bothers me, when you stand there and you boast and you sit there and you prophesy and you don't know what the heck you are talking about. You sit there and you want people to hear you.And some of you pastors, oh, man you make Me so mad. Oh, Man you make Me so mad. Such pride! Such arrogance! Boy, you make Me so mad, I wish I could go down there and zap you on the spot. But I know when your time comes I will take care of you. Remember that. When your time comes I will take care of you. Remember that. When your time comes I will take care of that.
And you people, My Christians. I love you. Oh, man! Do I Love You! Boy, if you could only understand how much I love you. Listen, I don't want to lose any of you. Not a single one. Not a single one. I love you so much.
Oh, but listen. Humble yourselves. Put your ear to the ground. Put your ear to the ground. Listen, discern, judge, judge all these Prophets. Judge all these Prophets and really pray, and pray, and pray. And I will send the Holy Spirit and He will tell who's telling you the truth and who isn't. I will put that spark in your heart and you will follow the correct one, but listen, listen.
The ones who stand there and scream and yell and tell you they know it all, you will be able to tell. Because I'm telling the Holy Spirit now this instant to put that in your heart. So you can tell the difference between a good pastor and a bad pastor because the times are getting very tight. The times are getting very tight.
And Satan, the devil, he's going to do his best from now on. Since December 2, Since December 2, He's going to do the ultimate and his best to get you. He's going to coerce you. He's going to throw obstacles on you. He's going to throw sex in your face. He is going to try to break up the family, more than he has before.
Listen to Me. Listen to Me. Make yourself strong.
Get yourself in the Word My Children. Get yourself in the Word My Children. This is your Father. The Father of all. Listen to Me My Children. Listen to Me My Children. I love you. I love you. Oh, My Children, if you could only understand how much love I have for you. But I understand. I understand the evil and the wickedness that is in the world. I understand more than you think.But listen. I am there with you. I am there with you and I am going to protect you from the wolves. I am going to protect you from the jackals. I am going to protect you from the evil pastors. I am going to protect you from the evil prophets, the false prophets.
Yes, My Children, listen to Me. The Holy Spirit is working among you. He is reorganizing all the churches now. He is dropping words. He is dropping hints. He is changing laws. He is changing ways people think because I am bringing My Flock together. I am bringing them together because the time is coming. The time is coming because everything is going to be thrown at you. I mean everything. Even the kitchen sink. Even the kitchen sink. Then more. Then more.
Some of you are going to be put to death. Some of you are going to be put to death because of Me. Listen to Me. Listen to Me. The times are going to get rough. The times are going to get rough. You had it easy. You had it easy because I know the future, I know the future.
Listen to Me My Children. There is going to be a time. There is going to be a time where it's going to be hard to call yourself a Christian. It's going to be hard to call yourself a Christian because you won't know who to talk to. You're not going to know who to talk to because if the wrong person hears that you are a Christian, you could be put to death. You could be put to death. And you're going to try to protect your Children. You are going to worry for your Children's sake.
But listen, don't worry if they put you to death. Because if they put you to death you are going to go to Heaven with Me. If you do it for My Sake, you're going to go to Heaven. I am going to send some Prophets. I am going to send some Prophets. These Prophets are going to tell you. They are going to tell you the truth and you will know that they are telling you the truth.
Yes. Yes. Yes. You'll know. Your heart is going to know. Well, My Children, pray. Get in your room, close the door for the weather is going to change. The climates are going to change. Some of you are not going to have houses because of that climate...the weather...the storms. The hurricanes, tornadoes, you name it. You'll have it.
Because what I said, what I said many years ago, when Adam and Eve chose to forsake Me. That hurt Me so bad. You don't know how bad that hurt Me. You'll never comprehend the pain, the anguish, when I saw what I saw. But the time is here, the time is here that I've been telling you through the Bible for hundreds and hundreds and thousands and thousands of years.
But listen. Listen. I am with you. I am there. I am there. Forsake everything but your Father in Heaven. Forsake everything but your Father in Heaven. This is your Father. The I am. The I am, The I am. Never forget, Never forget. The Father in Heaven, no matter what happens, no matter what happens. Never forget your Father because through Jesus is your Salvation. Through Jesus is your Salvation, through Jesus.
Look to Jesus. Jesus is your Savior. He died for you. He died for you. He is fighting for you right now. He is fighting for you right now. But remember, the second coming is coming also. I am sending the star. I am sending the piece of the star
. It is in the sky. It is in the sky. If you'll look, if you'll look real hard, if you'll look real hard, you'll see it. You'll see it very soon.You'll see it very soon.
And that's a sign. And that's a sign of things that I said that are going to happen. They are going to happen. They are going to happen. There are going to be many other signs My Children, many signs. Just open those ears and those eyes. Look at the sky. Look at the sky. Look at the weather. Look at your brothers and sisters.And look at the ones that are not going to come with Me. They will give you a sign also. They will show you what not to do. They will show you what not to do. For I have already allowed a place for them. It hurts Me even to say it, even to think it, that I am going to lose one, that I am going to lose one.
But I know the future. I know the future and I know what has to happen My Children, My Children. I don't know how many ways I can tell you or how many ways I can show you but I already know who is going to come. I already know. It's already written the ones that are going to come. Some haven't been born yet. Some have not been born yet.
But listen, listen. Every word that I told you is going to happen. Every Letter of every Word that I told you is going to happen. Nothing in the Universe is going to change what I tell you today, what I tell you today, no matter what a pastor tells you. No matter what these theologians say. Not A Word! Not a Syllable of what I tell you is going to pass without you knowing that this is your Father. This is your Father in Heaven. For man cannot change what I have set in motion. Man cannot change what I have set into motion.
They can rationalize all they want. They can rationalize all they want but all they will find is the pit. That will be their reward for going against their Father. For their Father has warned them. He has warned them through the years, through the Bible, through their Prophets and they were blind and they were deaf.
So all I can tell you My Children, all I can say to you is look to Jesus. Look to Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus of Nazareth. Look to Jesus of Nazareth. Look to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Look to the Holy Spirit. Look to the Holy Spirit. Look to the Holy Spirit and then you'll find Me. You'll find Me. You'll find Me. I am Jehovah. I am Jehovah. I am Jehovah. I am everything. I am everything that was, is, and will be. And nothing will ever change that. Man's words will not change that. Remember that in your heart. Remember that in your heart My Children.
And remember this, remember that I love you, no matter what happens, no matter what happens, no matter what happens. Never forget your Father in Heaven. For I love you so much. I love you so much.
Remember these Words.
Read My Lips. Read My Lips. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I am the I am, the I am. This is your Father. This is your Father. This is your Father in Heaven. I am telling you I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I am, I am, I am, I am, I am Jehovah, I am Jehovah, I am Jehovah. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah.References given:
1. Matthew chapters 22,23,24,25,
2. Ephesians chapter 6
3. Revelation chapter 22
4. Mark chapter 7
5. Book of James
6. Book of 1 Peter
7. Book of Romans
8. Luke chapter 21
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