75. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on the 6 June 1992 at 12:50 AM Saturday, in tongues Spanish, English and unknown language.
I like you. I like you My son. Look for, Look for the Word of God, and I will show you things, that you never would believe were in the Bible. I am going to show you many things, and the reason, of the thing, of the Bible. But you have to trust Me, you have to talk to Me, you have to look for Me, you have to....
Caraja, (Cardga a Spanish word <slang, nonstandard vocabulary> for a Woman who is: disobedient, unruly, contrary, rebellious). Caraja, Carajo.
Seed, Seed,
Carajo, (Carajo a Spanish word <slang, nonstandard vocabulary> for a Man who is: disobedient, unruly, contrary, rebellious.)
I want to show you how it will be on the Battle Fields of the future and how the outcome will relate to the Body of Christ. For the Body of Christ needs to know the formulation of its enemy for the War is going to engulf the World. If you set up your watches to instruct you, when to get up to go to work, you will have to do the same, to set your Spiritual Watch to wake you before the end comes.
The Hornet will increase in strength in Japan, when it develops Nuclear Weapons. For the righteous will encounter resistance on the day that the False Prophet bewitches the Japanese, for the Power of Satan is god, the False Prophet, for all of the World will be dominated by.
I love you, and I want you to know that My Son is charging into the Battle. For He is your Fortress, your Strength through the Power of the Holy Spirit for...
I have marked the hour to burn My daughter.
Touch Me My Children
At the Caraja, (Caraja a Spanish word <slang, nonstandard vocabulary> for a Woman who is: disobedient, unruly, contrary, rebellious)..
Thank you. My Father. Thank you. My Father. All Praise and Glory goes to the Father. All Praise and Glory goes to the Father, My Only Father. I love you. I love you. Peace and love goes to the People of the World for the watch is about to strike, the hammer of the gun that blew the Hornet's Tail.
My Children, for the obedience of obeying your Father in Heaven, love you, love you, love you. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah.
I marked her. I marked her. I marked her. Seed seed, hear Me seed.
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