173. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 July 1992 at 7:42 PM. in English and Spanish.


I marked her, the lady with the golden hair, with My Finger. I marked her for she loves Me with her heart. She loves Me with the Love of God. The lady with the golden hair, she is going to run after you with intelligence, with determination, with the Heart of God. I touch her in her heart with My Finger. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? She is going to call you and the day has arrived that you both will come together, with the lady with the hair of gold. You're going to become friends but her heart is going to burn. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? Her heart is burning with the Love of God for My Reymundo.

The storm that's going to hit the World has to be. For the storm is going to clean all that is evil. And the people of the world are going to learn who is the God of the World, of the Stars, of all that there is and of everything that's going to be, and all that's going to be done. With My Heavy Heart I am telling you the truth.

The devil, I am going to turn loose, and he is ready with the determination to eat you. When the devil dines on the Food you're going to know who is the God of the World, of the Stars, of all that there is. For with My Son, the Holy Spirit and Me, We are going to clean-up the World, with the Mind of God, with the Mind of cleaning-up everything that is Bad.

Hear Me! Hear Me People of God. Hear Me, People of the World. The devil is going to eat you, if you don't hear Me. If you don't clean your ears with the fingers that are of God. The Meat of God, the devil has a hunger for the Meat of God, to have dinner, to eat, to munch on the Bones of the Meat of God. The devil has hunger.

The devil has hunger, for the Day has arrived that I am going to send him to the pit with My Hand. I am going to hit him and he is going to fall so hard and directly to the pit. For when I hit someone fast and directly, and with determination, they don't get up because I am God. I do what I want with what's Mine, if you don't believe Me now, you're going to believe Me when the storm hits this World.

Are you hearing Me with your ears or do you have your hands in front of your eyes and your ears? But what a shame, if you don't hear Me for if you don't jump unto the Ark the devil will eat you. Yes, My son, the Ark is complete. It is ready so you can jump into it with your family, with your friends. You can hide in the Ark and the devil will not hit you. He won't touch you. For I will protect you with My Hand. I will protect you. For the devil cannot touch what's Mine. For I will hit him fast and I will send him to the pit, with all the angels, with all the saints he has for all the days that there are days.

Yes, My son, send the Prophecies to where I told you. I know that you are tired. I know that your body is crying for it wants to rest, but do what I tell you and everything will come out well. I am going to correct all the things that don't like you. They want to kill you. They want to stop you. I will correct them with My Hand. Don't worry about people..., no one, even the devil, for the Word of God no one can stop, with the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the God of everything, the World, of the Stars, of Heaven.

Rest a little longer, then I want you to get up and go to work on your computer. For the time is very short. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? This is your God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I will show you how to do what you have to do, with the Heart of God, with the Eyes of God, with the Ears of God, with all the Manner of God. This is your Father.


Praise to you Lord Father. Praise to you Lord Father. This is Jesus. Praise to you Lord Father. This is Jesus Christ of Nazareth you deserve all the Praise and Glory and Honor. You deserve all the Praise, Glory, and Honor. You deserve all the Praise, Glory, and Honor My Father, My Heavenly Father with a Pure Heart, Pure Mind, all that is Good comes from the Father.

Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father. Praise, Honor and Glory to the Father. For you are Righteous. For you are Pure. For you are Clean. Praise, and Honor and Glory to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father Jehovah, Jehovah My Only Father, My Heavenly Father. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you My Father. Praise and Glory and Honor to My Father. Praise and Honor to My Father Jehovah. Jehovah, I Love you. Jehovah, I Love you with My Whole Heart, Mind, and Soul.

Everything you have ordered Me to do, I will do to the letter without question with complete obedience. Praise and Glory to the Father. Praise and Glory be to the Father, Jehovah. Praise and Honor and Glory to Jehovah. Praise and Honor and Glory to Jehovah. Praise and Honor and Glory to Jehovah, My Heavenly Father, My Only Father.

I Worship you, I Love you with My Whole Heart, Mind, and Soul. Praise and Honor and Glory to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father, without question complete obedience from My Heart. My Heart, for I Love you with My whole Heart. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father, Jehovah. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father, Jehovah. Praise to you Jehovah, Honor to you Jehovah. Glory be to the Father, Jehovah. Praise and Honor and Glory be to Jehovah.

My Love, I will do everything you have told Me to the Letter without Question. I Love you Father. Totally Love you Father without Question. I will obey you My Father. I Love you Father, Jehovah. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father.

Yes, Father I will obey you. I have My Orders. I will do everything you told Me without Question. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father. Praise and Honor and Glory be to the Father. I Love you, Jehovah. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you. Yes, My Father everything is ready, everything is set. I Love you. I Love you. I Love you.

This is Jehovah. I Love you Son. I Love you Son with all My Heart. I Love you Son, with all My Heart, with all My Heart My Son, My Only Son. My Only Begotten Son I Love you, My Son, My Son, My Son. I Love you My Son, My Son.

Yes, My Son, do as I ask and lets bring My Sheep, My Saints, My Seed home to Heaven. Yes, My Son, the hour has come that We must harvest and bring our Sheep and Lambs to Heaven. I Love you My Son. This is Jehovah. Creator of the Universe, of all that is and of all that will be, with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We welcome you My Saints, My Lambs, to Heaven, be Strong, be Brave. For the times of trials and tribulations will be upon you and it will come fast, and without notice. So listen to the Prophecies. Listen to My Angels that will protect you. Listen to My Son. For the hour has come when My Son will deliver you from all your trials and tribulations with the Power of the Holy Spirit. We will gather My Flock.

Read the Bible. Read the Bible and you will be instructed in what to do and how to do it. My Prophets are being instructed now. They are being educated. They are sending My Word, open your ears, open your eyes. Listen to the Prophecies, discern and judge every single one with your whole Heart, Mind and Soul. The Holy Spirit will put that spark in your Heart and will point you in the right direction.

For the hardened hearts of the leadership of the church will send you in the wrong direction. They are only interested in their own purpose. Many have gone away and strayed, off the road. Many are still on the road struggling with finances, with all the burdens of life. Others, well others you will find out in the end times, but listen to the Prophecies, to Prophets, to My Son, to the Angels that will protect you. The Angels, your Guardian Angels, for they are being released now to protect certain areas of this Planet.

The Fire of the Love of your Father Jehovah will spread from the Planet. We will gather the Seed, with the Love, with the Affection of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. For Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit Love you, but you have to be awake. You have to be sharp. You have to be strong. For I am going to collect My Bride. The Bride of Jesus, the Clean, the Pure, the Righteous will be gathered at the proper time at the proper place. So be strong, be wise.

Pray to Jesus. Pray to Jesus, He is the Path. He is the Way to your Father Jehovah with the Power of the Holy Spirit you will know when and how, and who is speaking the Word of God. For the time is here that I mentioned to your fathers years, years, years, and years ago is here, My Children, My Lambs, My Sheep. The days of tribulations are here. The days of trials are here. The days of testing are here. For I will cleanse this World of everything that is evil. For all that is evil is of Satan and all that is evil will be sent to the pit.

So be strong, be wise, and pray and pray and pray for your Father in Heaven will listen to every single Prayer with intensity and with the Love of God. You have to pray My Children. You have to pray everyday, everyday with the love of your heart for your God. Take Communion, take Communion everyday. For the Love of Jehovah is ever lasting, forever, and ever and ever.

With tears in My Eyes, with the Love in My Heart that's all I can tell you at this date, at this hour. Be strong, be brave and I Love you with My Whole Heart. We will talk some more when you get to Heaven. Remember that! I'll see you in Heaven, My Sheep, My Lambs, My Seed, My Saints. This is Jehovah, the Father, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I Love you My Children. I really do, with My Whole Heart.  



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