180. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 August 1992 at 11:42 AM. in Spanish.

The angry lady My son, the angry lady, this is the day that I mentioned. This is the day that God, of Heaven, of the World is going to hit her hard in her heart. This is the day. Did you mark it on your calendar, for the day is here that I told you days past? The angry, the irritable one that's ill is going to fall. She's going to fall and her lips are going to hit the floor with the force of the devil. Her lips are going to hit the floor.

For she is stubborn and she doesn't want to hear her God. That's why her God is going to turn her loose and the devil is going to hit her hard. Her lips are going to hit the floor. The devil is going to drag her on the floor until she screams with all the force of her heart for it's going to hurt her, in her mind, and in her heart for she didn't do what God told her. For she has a lot of nerve to tell her God no!

That's why her God, of Heaven, of the World is going to turn her loose and she is going to fall with the force of the devil. For when I say something it is going to happen directly and in the manner of God. She's going to fall this very day at 6 PM. She is going to fall and she is going to suffer. For she isn't going to have anyone to help her. The devil is going to push her down hard. With tears, with the tears of God, she's going to call you, with the tears of God, for her heart was broken with the force of the devil and she is going to suffer.

This is God, the God of Heaven, of the World of all that is with My Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The date is here that I told you and I don't Lie, and I tell the truth. At six in the afternoon she's going to fall with tears. For she didn't do what God, of the World, of Heaven, of all that is and all that is going to be, told her. Today the devil is going to hit her. What a shame. What a shame. What a shame. 



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