215. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 September 1992 at 9 AM. in English.
I love you Ray. I love it when you ask Me questions. When you ask permission on the little things as well as the big things. Things that are important to you. If you try to get close to Jehovah God, He will help you through the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Name of the Lord. Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be a beacon. The Holy Spirit will guide you every step of the way.
For through patience there is wisdom, through wisdom there is knowledge, through knowledge and Love and obedience, you will find Jehovah. Seek and thee will find Peace, Tranquility, Direction. Humble thyself before the Foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Stand on the Rock of Righteousness, of Truth, and you will find Jehovah. For Jehovah is Peace; is Tranquility; is Love.
By coming in union with Jehovah, the Creator of the Universe, the Stars, Heaven, of everything that was ever made, you will find your Heaven, your Home, with your fellow brothers and sisters that come to know the truth of My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I welcome you with open arms. I will greet you with a Holy Kiss, for your Obedience, for your Love, for your fellow Brothers and Sisters, for your Love of My Son, for your Love of the Holy Spirit, for your Love of Me, Jehovah.
Pray and pray and pray from the Heart of your Soul. Pray and pray and you will find Jehovah God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit. Peace and Love and Tranquility to you Reymundo, to your fellow Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ. Trust in your God, in everything you do, in your Lord Jesus Christ, your King of Kings, your Lord of Lords with the Holy Spirit and Me. And We will walk with you every step of the way.
With the Love of Jehovah, with the Love of Jesus Christ, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, I tell you these truths. Be Righteous. Be Pure. Be Clean. For We will help you, and guide you, and deliver you, from all that is evil, from all that is wicked, from all that is from Satan. Turn to your God Jehovah the Creator of the Universe, of the Stars, of Heaven, and you will not fail.
Look for your Brothers and Sisters, tell them the Word of God. Show them the Word of God, and repent of your sins on a daily basis, and have Communion on a daily basis, and you will see miracles and wonders beyond your wildest dreams. You will see the Power of Jehovah God working in your life.
For without Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit you're helpless Lambs, led to the slaughter. But with Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit you're invincible for all the days that there are days, so saith Jehovah God, the Creator of the Universe, the Creator of Mankind. Trust in your God, My Children. Trust in your God. He will never abandon you, if you seek him with all your heart, mind, and soul.
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