225. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 October 1992 at 1:37 PM. in English and Non-understandable tongues.

Supper. The supper. I want you to eat supper and rest. I want you to think of the things that I have told you. Go to your room, then I want you to think with your heart, with your mind, with your spirit, about all of the Prophecies that I have given you. Don't talk with anyone, just think. I want you to eat all the Words, with your mind, with your heart, with your spirit. I want My Words to touch you. I want you to think, with all that you have, with all of the Words that I have given you, with the Prophecies.

Did you hear Me? I want you to eat your supper and rest. Go to your room and THINK! Sit in your chair, the one you like. The one which is comfortable and pray and pray, with your heart, with your tears, to your God. I want you to ask him of the Prophecies; if they're correct, if they're wrong, if they're made of the Word of God. Did you hear Me? Open the door of  your room and sit down and pray and pray. Then THINK, THINK of the Word of your God, of the Prophecies.

For you're going to have to STUDY. You're going to have to learn the manner of your God. You're going to have to know what to do. For the things that are going to come in the future are going to be very hard. And you're going to have to know what to do. You have to know the Word of your God. For the day is going to come, and it's going to frighten you, the manner of the devil, the manner of the world.

If you enter into your room and read the Bible and study the Prophecies, if you seek My Son Jesus with the Force of the Holy Spirit, My Word will touch you, in your heart, in your spirit, in your mind. Hear Me, My Sons and Daughters! This is your Father. The One which made everything with the Word. I am telling you the correct manner, the righteous manner. For I am straight, and I say the truth.

Study the Bible, study the Prophecies, study and pray and pray and pray until your tears come from your heart, from your spirit. For if the tears hit you, I will touch you with the Holy Spirit that's there, with you in that room, in that chair with My Son. I will touch you with My Finger. I will touch you with My Lips; with the Love of your God; with all the Love that's good; with all the Love that's well; with the Love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Look for Me. Look for Me with your mind. Look for Me with your heart. Look for Me with your spirit, and I will Hug you and I will Kiss you, and I will Protect you. For you're My Sheep, My Seed and I love you with all of My Love, and I don't want anyone to hit you. I don't want anyone to do you wrong for you are Mine. For you looked for Me, with your TEARS, with your HEART, with your SPIRIT, and with your MIND.

You knocked on the door and I opened it, and I Hugged you, and I gave you Kisses on top of your face. For you are Mine and I am going to protect you from the devil. I will protect you from everything that is bad, but you have to look for Me. I am here in front of your nose. You just have to reach out your hands and I will Hug you and I will Kiss you. Did you hear Me, My Sheep, My Seed, My Beloved? I am your God, the One which made everything with My Word; the Stars; the World; all that you See; all that you Touch; all that is Good; all that is of God.

If you knew how much I loved you with My Heart, the two of Us would cry with the Love of Heaven. For I love you so much with tears, I tell you the truth. Read the Bible. Look for My Son Jesus, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. The Three which are One will Hug you. We will Kiss you. We will take you to Heaven with Us to live.

This is your Father, that tells you the Word of Heaven; That tells you the Word of My Son; That tells you the Word of the Holy Spirit; That tells you the Word of Love. For I Love you so much. Study the Bible. Show your sons and daughter, your brothers and sisters, your father and mother, everyone that lives around you. The ones which you know. The ones which you don't know. The ones which are sick. The ones which are old. The ones which live in the street. The ones which are suffering. The ones which need to hear the Word of God.

Study the Bible, and show them that your God Loves you with all of His Heart; That He is alive; That He is there with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me My Sons, My Sheep? This is your Father, the One which made everything with My Word.


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