229. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 October 1992 at 8:52 PM in English.
The coronation of the devil will take place at high noon, when the Bells of Saint Peter ring. The devil will take charge of his army, of his demons, and invade the Holy Land. For the ways of the devil, are the ways of evil, the ways of the wicked.
Do not worry. Do not fear.
For Jehovah is here, with the Son and the Holy Spirit. For the Power and the Glory belongs to Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Be Strong. Be Brave. For all the Heavenly Angels are prepared for the Battle, for the War. For the outcome has already been concluded.Be Strong. Be Brave. Do not worry.
For the demons have no power, have no strength, but the Word of your God, Jehovah God, the Creator of the Universe, of the Stars, of the World, His Spoken WORD is ABSOLUTE! IT'S COMPLETE, POWER, and AUTHORITY! The Greatness of His Word is the Love of Mankind. For the Love of Jehovah is Great. The Power of Jehovah is Great with the Son and the Holy Spirit.Do not fear. Stand on the Rock of My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Be Strong. Be Brave. So saith Jehovah, the Father, the Creator of the Spoken Word Created everything. Nothing that ever existed, that has ever existed, everything was Created through the Spoken Word of Jehovah God. SO BE IT! SO BE IT!
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