249. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 December 1992 at 4:26 PM. in English, Spanish and Non-understandable tongues.
The Angels of Heaven are on pins and needles. They're impatient. They're waiting as the clock ticks, as the clock ticks. They're waiting. They're waiting to send the devil to the Pit. They're waiting for My Orders. They're impatiently waiting to send the devil and his army to the pit. They're impatient, but they Love what is right. They Love what is Jehovah. They Love what is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They Love the Holy Spirit.
There are many of them, who are at war at the present time. They're many who are battling the demons in Satan's armies, but some are waiting for the final Order to appear, for the final Word from Jehovah God to bring to a close this little planet Earth, to correct all that is evil, to correct all that is not of God, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. (Non-understandable tongues)
How revolting. How revolting are the things of the devil. The devil, who has a hunger. The devil that I pushed out of Heaven. What is new, is going to be clean. What is new, is going to be of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit. With the Force of My Son, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of the Father, everything is going to be cleaned and all is going to go well.
My Sons and Daughters, My Sheep, My Seeds, count your fingers, all the fingers you have on your hands, and toes on your feet. For the day is going to come that you're not going to have the time to count them. It's going to come rapidly. The sky is going to be set on fire with the flames of the War. The War of the sky, the War of the ground, the flames of the Spirit, the flames of the bombs, the flames of all that's going to be cleaned.
You have to join with your brothers and sisters and your going to have to gather in places, in houses wherever you can, and you're going to have to pray. You have to pray for there is all that is evil around you. Hide yourself, hide yourselves, and pray and pray with your tears to your God. For all that is good is of your God, Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, and the Father. The flames that are going to hit this world are there in front of your nose. Look for your brothers and your sisters. Study the Bible, make yourself strong, for the day of the devil is coming. (Non-understandable tongues)
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