253. Prophecy and Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 17 December 1992 at 9:46 AM. in English.
I had a vision of a bell. And the Lord said:
Ring the Liberty Bell. Ring the Liberty Bell. With Joy, with Tears, Ring the Liberty Bell. Ring the Liberty Bell. For all that is of God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is Clean, is Pure, is of Heaven. Ring the Liberty Bell. Ring the Liberty Bell. Look for the orphans. Look for the homeless.
The Day of the final big War is before you. The Ark of the covenant is before you. The War drums are being sounded. The Trumpet is being blasted in Heaven and on Earth. The sounds of hoof prints of My Warring Horses, My Warring Angels are pounding the Heavenly Ground. Shaking the Heavenly Earth. Beating the sound of God Jehovah. Run in your closet, grab your armor, grab your shield, grab your spear, make yourself ready for War. Stand at attention, be quiet, and listen for your orders, listen patiently. Listen with those ears.
Keep those eyes open for the enemy is before you. Take your stand. Be strong. Be bold. Be wise. Put on the armor of God. "Look and see, there He is. He is coming!" He is coming for you. Put up the shield. Put up the shield. Raise that spear. Raise that spear which is the Word of God. Raise it, point it, and throw it with accuracy, with Force, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. Hit that enemy. Hit that enemy with the Word of God, over and over and over again, morning, noon, and night.
Ring the Liberty Bell. Ring the Liberty Bell. Get your brothers and sisters. Stand at attention, put your ear to the ground. Look at the horizon. There is another one. There is another one. Lift that sword! Lift that spear! Throw it!--with the Force of the Holy Spirit. Ring the Liberty Bell! Ring the Liberty Bell!
Tell your brothers and sisters the War has started. Be smart! Be wise! This is Jehovah, the Father with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Keep that Armor on! Keep that Armor on! Don't put it in the closet. Sleep with it, wake up with it, take a shower with it. For the enemy is prowling. Remember My Words, My Sheep, My Seeds. This is your Heavenly Father trying to protect you with the Word of God, with the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Like a thief in the night, remember that saying: "Like a thief in the night." Be ready. Be prepared. For I Love you. For I Adore you. For I want to take you to Heaven. Don't give the enemy a chance. For My Son has the Ring ready for His Bride. Keep the Armor on. With Love, and Joy, and Happiness, We will welcome you. We will have a Party. We will have a Celebration in Heaven, to welcome you, with open Arms, with Love and Kisses. I tell you the Word of God. Listen and prepare for the end is before you, or the beginning. The choice is yours. I love you! I really do! With My Whole Heart, I Love you!
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