264. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 January 1993 at 4:21 PM. in Spanish.
You know what, My son? The sky is going to become dark. The day is coming that the sky will become black. You won't be able to see a thing for days. For the sky is going to become black with all the filth that's in the World. You won't be able to see the clouds. You won't be able to see the moon. The whole sky will become dark. Did you hear Me, My son? Here comes the day that everything that's in the sky is going to become Dark and Black.
Did you hear Me, My Reymundo? The Date of the Bible has arrived. I know, you have worked with fear. For you are frightened of the things I am telling you, but everything that I am telling you is the truth. It is correct, to the point, just put down everything that I tell you, and in the manner that I tell you. And I will protect you. I know that you know that the devil wants to eat you. He wants to stop you with the tickets, with the force of the devil. Don't fear. I will give you the money to fix your car. Just do what I tell you. Make yourself strong and pray.
He cannot touch you, for My Angels are around you. The War around you is very hard right now on this date. The devil is very mad for what you write. For you put down the truth and the devil doesn't like the truth. But I am the God of everything, of the World, of Heaven, of all that there is, and of all that's going to be. And what I say is going to be and is going to happen. The devil is nothing.
My Son is going to send him to the Pit and He knows it's the truth. He has fear of you, Reymundo. He has lots of fear, for he knows you have My Word, and My Word will stop him. There is nothing he can do. Make yourself strong. Study the Bible for here comes the day that the sky is going to become dark. Write it down with your computer. This is your Father. The One which made everything with My Word and the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me? The things of Heaven are the things of Heaven, and the things of the World are the things of the World.
Here comes the day that I told you about with the lady. Wait Reymundo, for there she is in front of your nose. Have patience, for what I said is going to happen. Don't worry for your family. For I will protect them with My Hand, for your mother, for your father, your son and your daughter, for your brothers and sisters, and your friends, for you are doing the work of your Father and what your Father says is the Truth.
My Son is ready to pick up all that is Clean, all that is Good, all that is Ours. The rest are going to have to suffer in the War, in all that is bad. For they did not look for the brothers and sisters in the streets, the sick ones, the old ones. For they didn't do what My Son told them to do.
What a shame! For they have the Law in their hands and they only do what they want. They look for the money and they believe they are god. What a shame! For it's there in front them, all that's well, all that is good, and they didn't do what My Son told them.
That's why they're going to suffer. For I have to show them who is God, who made all the Stars, the World, all that they See, all that they Touch, I made it all. They didn't make anything, just problems for the families of the Body of My Son. That's why they're going to suffer, for they think a lot of themselves.
But My son..., you just do what I tell you, and I will give you all that I told you. Don't cry. Don't cry. I know that you know what's going to happen. It hurts My Heart, for you know more than all who study the Bible. But they're going to have to learn it the hard way. For they think a lot of themselves.
My son, I will Hug you and Kiss you when you come to Heaven, but make yourself strong now for you are in the World. I like your determination that you have for My Word. I know that you want to protect it in the manner of God. I tell you seriously, I Love you with all of My Heart, make yourself strong.
For here come the days that they're going to get mad with you, but don't worry. For I will protect you. For you are Mine. I protect what is Mine, but write everything that I tell you. The devil can't do a thing. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? He can't do a thing.
This is your Father. The One which made everything with the Son and the Holy Spirit. I will Hug you and Kiss you; you and all your friends. For I know that they too Love Me with all of their hearts. I know what they have in their mind, in their heart, and I know it is hard for them too, but I will protect them for they are Mine too, all of them.
With the Love of Heaven, with the Love of My Son, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, with the Love of Love with the Love of your Father, I tell you these things. My Little Son, rest, sleep, and I will wake you so you can go to church. Rest. I know that you are tired, for the hours you have worked on your computer for Me. I will call you on another date at another time My son, sleep and rest.
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