277. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 January 1993 at 12:10 AM. in English and Spanish.
Ah, yes, yes My son. I know you are frustrated. I know you are tired and sleepy. For the coming days you will be asked to do some things that will Glorify the Body. That will make the foundation of your future, for yourself, and your new family. Be wise. Be strong. Try to be Patient.
The thumb is on the trigger. The gun is pointed in the direction of the House of the Lord. For the House of the Lord of Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be shot with the force of bullets from the enemy. For the enemy will Penetrate the House of My Son. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the Name of Jehovah your God, through the Power of the Holy Spirit will endure the Trials and Tribulations.
For the Ark will be established in the new House, in the new building. Point your eyes in the direction of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Watch the World as it changes from month to month, from crises to crises. Remember what was said in the Prophecies, and watch the world as it fulfills the Prophecies. For the Word of Jehovah God says, will be done.
My House is mixed up from here to there for they don't know what to do. They have a whirlwind with all the words that are there, going every which way. No one is there in the middle, just the Pit. Open your eyes and look at the Word of your God; the Word of the Holy Spirit, the Word of your Father, the Word of Jesus, and I parted all the waters of the world to show you the Force of your God.
I tell you the things that are going to happen. If you don't believe Me, and if you bury your head under the sand, My Son will come and He is going to leave, and you're not going to know a thing, because you had your head under the sand. Everything of My Son is Force, everything from the Holy Spirit is Force, everything from your Father is Force, and no one can change the Word of your Father.
You have to look for My Son with the heart of your spirit. Fill your pockets with the sand of the ground, and in that way, the sand will show you how many pieces the Body of God there are in this World. If you don't open your eyes, and your ears, and read the Bible in the manner of God, God is going to come, and He is going to leave, and you won't even know because you didn't read the Bible.
You're going to be blind and deaf for all the points, of all that happened, of all that's happening, of all that's going to happen is in the Bible. Study and pray, and I, and My Son, and the Holy Spirit will protect you. My Sons and My Daughters this is your Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Did you hear Me? Wake up! Look for My Son Jesus, and I will show you the things of God, exactly, with the Love of your Father, with the Love of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Yes, it is the truth. All that is green is going to become red. All that is blue is going to become green. All that is yellow will become the color of a grapefruit. Yes, this is the truth. All the colors are going to change. All of carbon, all that is black is going to become white. For I am going to clean everything that is dirty with the Force of the Holy Spirit. Wake up, and study. I will show you. This is the Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit, My Sons and Daughters.
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