288. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 February 1993 at 10:55 PM. in English.

Play the Flutes, hit the Tambourines, be Joyful and be Merry, for the end is before you. Sound the trumpets, make all kinds of noises. Throw your hands up into the air, jump and twirl, land on your feet, be Happy, be Joyful for your Savior is on the way. The Ark is in place, the Angels are in place. Beware of the Mark of the Beast.

The stone will be planted in the hole of the rock of the wall on the east side. The Rock will be planted on the east side of the stone wall. Where the chariots used to run by. Sound the trumpets.

The gate will be opened, when the beast has his belly full of the Blood of the Body with the vengeance of the devil. Beware of the Mark. The devil has an immense appetite for the Blood of My Son.

When the hole is filled in the wall on the east side. Look for the stone. (Non-understandable tongues) The east wall where the gate will be opened.

Come to witness the event, My Israelites. Come Home! For your Father is waiting. Come Home from the north, from the east, from the west, from the south. Come Home, Children of Abraham, Come Home! For the day is near. Remember My Promises. Come Home, My Children for the end is near. When the Leaves of the Fig Tree Change. When the Leaves of the Fig Tree Change. 


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