302. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 March 1993 at 7:35 AM. in Spanish.
I know, I know My son. I know My son. I know My son the things that are going to happen, that are going to be, I know. I know My son. I know. You have to open your ears and eyes, for here comes the things of the miracles. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming.
Hear Me, Hear Me! Hear Me! My Sons and My Daughters of the World, Hear Me. Open your eyes, and your ears for the Prophecies are correct. They are to the point. Open your eyes. Open you ears, and point your nose into the Bible, and study, and study, and pray, and pray, and Fast, and Fast.
For here comes the days of the miracles, and the days of suffering. The day that the Blood is going to fall, and is going to hit on the ground with the force of the devil. Open your eyes. Open your eyes My Sons, My Daughters. This is your Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit telling you the truth in the manner of God.
Read the Prophecies. Read the Prophecies, give them to your friends, and to your father, and mother, and send them here, and there. Hear Me! Hear Me! You are running out of time. Send them. Send them. Right Now! Don't wait until tomorrow. For here comes the time of the Earthquake. The time of the Whirlwind. Here comes the time of the devil. Here comes the time of the War.
Read the Bible, and it will show you.
Read the Bible, and it will show you. For the devil is loose with his tongue sticking out, and his teeth pointed toward the Body of My Son. You have to wake up. You have to wake up. For the churches of all the World are going every which way, and they are not pointed toward Heaven with My Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. They have to gather. THEY HAVE TO STOP FIGHTING. The fight is with the devil, not with the Body of My Son. The church doesn't want to gather. All they want to do is fight with their brothers and sisters. That's all that they know. Gather, gather in houses, and pray, and brothers and sisters. That's all that they know.Gather, gather in houses, and pray, and pray, with all your heart, your mind, your spirit. For here comes the day of the devil. Here comes the day of the whirlwind. Here comes the day of the earthquake, of the war, of the bullet, of the bombs, of the planes, of the boats, of all that is filthy. You are going to get frightened, and the devil is going to eat you if you don't place your nose into the Bible.
Because I, the God, the Father that made everything with My Word, I, with My Son, and Holy Spirit, I am telling you all of the truth, and to the point. With Tears I tell you, with Tears I tell you. For there's going to be much suffering in this World. For I am going to close it. Like you close a Book.
Hear Me! Hear Me! Hear Me! My Sons and My daughter of the World, of the World. READ. Read the Bible. Read the Bible. It has arrived, the day that I told you. It is here, the day of suffering, the day that I will close everything that is evil.
This is your Father with the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I tell you with Tears. I tell you with My Heart. I tell you with everything that is Straight, in all the manner of God, of Heaven, of the World.
Oh, My Sons, you have to open your heart. You have to, for if you make your head hard, and your heart hard, the devil is going to eat you. You have My Word on it. The devil is going to eat you, if you make yourself hard. For the things of God are not hard. They are easy. They are with Love. They are with Tears of all that is Good. Did you Hear Me, My Sons and My Daughter? This is your Father.
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