403. Occurrence and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera 6 February 1994 at noon
Well, the Lord came through again. I repaired my truck on Saturday in Salt Lake City, Utah, and drove it to Logan that evening. Then we went to Brigham Young University in the city of Provo.
We left our Logan friends the next day at about noon, and within fifteen minutes our truck stalled at the base of a mountainous pass. We needed to drive over this pass to get out of northern Utah, for Provo was some four hours away, and for some reason the truck would idle and the motor would accelerate, but the truck would not move with any power. The truck would coast, but if I would stepped on the accelerator nothing would happen, the engine would accelerate, but the truck would just coast as if the manual transmission were in neutral, even on a slight downhill slope. Finally we had to pull over to the side of the road to let the traffic by. After checking the motor several times I was at a loss as to the problem.
Then my roommate said, "It's because we are going to Brigham Young University." So I tried not to seem nervous and said a short prayer to myself. We decided to remove some of the weight from the truck and dumped some of our forty gallons of water we had with us..
I guess my roommate was right. For the day before I had no problem driving up and down the mountain ranges going the opposite direction. I was amazed at how badly the truck was running, for we barely made it over the mountains. I believe it was the Lord that pushed us up and over and out of the mountains in northern Utah. For the truck was just acting crazy.
Once we got to the freeway the truck seemed to run all right. We still had to drive almost two hours south just to get to Salt Lake City, and my roommate definitely did not want to stop at Salt Lake City because of all the demonic activity that was sensed there. By the time we reached the outside of Salt Lake City we were in need of gas.
My traveling friend said, with the faith of the Lord, "I believe we are supposed to get off at the next exit for gas."
I said in faith, "Okay, if you think so."
So we pulled off the freeway at the end of a long line of cars. As we stopped we noticed that there was a street person asking people, in stopped cars, for money. I sensed my partner wanted to give some money, but the street light changed and we had to move on. But we stopped about a block away for gas, and my friend left while I was getting gas, and I believe the street person was found.
So after getting gas we were on the road again and about three hours later we drove into the city limits of Provo. About three miles from the campus grounds the truck started to stall again. It seemed that my truck didn't want anything to do with Brigham Young University. It coughed as if it was out of gas until we reached an incline and I practically coasted onto a campus parking lot.
My traveling friend decided to stay in the truck and pray, and I started my prayer walk in tongues. As soon as I crossed the street to the main entrance of the University I started to hear, in my mind, parts of the twenty third Psalms 23:4-5 (4. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me;......5. Thou dost prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; Thou hast anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows.)
I had no idea of why or who was placing the Psalm in my head. For I could sense my prayer language speaking in tongues with it's own sounds as I walked, and I could think clearly as my body was praying, but from somewhere else I was hearing parts of the twenty-third Psalms. I believe it came out of the spirit world; it was as if my prayer language was doing its own thing, and my mind was thinking and doing its own thing; and thirdly, I was hearing verses from the Bible without even thinking about them.
Now I knew the importance of what we were doing, and if I had to die here I would go down praying in tongues for whatever reason or plan the Lord had. I felt that might be a possibility. I could feel the goose bumps on my skin and I was starting to perspire as I prayed and felt this sense of possibly dying. I knew that the Lord said that I would be protected, but I felt like I was blindfolded and inside a cage with many man-eating lions. I have to be truthful, I was a little afraid, but I knew the Lord was with me and if I went down the Lord would pick me up somehow. This was a very strange sensation for I could sense the Power flowing through the prayer language.
I had no idea of where I had to walk so I walked where the spirit of the Lord led me. About ten minutes into to my walk I noticed a man leaving this one building and he looked at me strangely, maybe because I was dressed differently. So I decided to ask him the layout of the campus.
He was a tall man and very friendly and we had a pleasant conversation. He said that the building that I had just left was the religious building where religion classes were taught, and he proceeded to describe the whole campus and its buildings.
So I left the University Professor and proceeded on my prayer walk. It amazed me that the Lord had taken care of the religious building first, then I proceeded with the rest of the campus, as the University Professor had laid it out.
I remember walking completely around this seven or eight story building, I believe it was the faculty building. As I looked at this large building I saw a demon in the spirit, as large as the building, fall like a giant sequoia redwood tree.
After praying, in between the campus buildings, I noticed people from all over the campus walking toward this church or temple, and I asked the Lord if I should pray around that building also.
He said, "No, you are finished, now I want you to leave."
When I returned to the truck, almost two hours later, I found that my traveling friend had prayed around or near the temple and other parts of the campus at the same time I had prayed.
I kept getting this impression that I was accountable for taking my friend out of this area or state in a hurry. Its hard to explain, but it felt almost like a direct order from the Lord. "Hurry, get your friend and yourself out of here." So I hurriedly drove across the street and got a chicken sandwich for my stomach, was crying for food, for this prayer walk just wore me out. After I got the fast food chicken sandwich I drove and ate. We found the freeway and headed south to the Nevada border as fast as we could, and all of a sudden my truck seemed to run like a champion.
During this drive I kept hearing a voice say, come back, come back, don't leave.
I drove for hours while praying. We were about one half an hour from the Nevada border when things really started to get weird. As I was driving, something caught my eye at the side of the road. It was a dark spiritual shadow, and to my surprise it looked as if it was hitchhiking at the side of the freeway. After seeing it I decided to increase my speed, but five minutes later I looked at my partners head leaning against the window sleeping with this demonic shadow hanging to the outside of the truck, looking through the glass window while my friend was sleeping against the glass. I didn't say a thing for I didn't want to scare my friend.
Then there was that other voice that kept saying, "Drive off the edge of the bridge, drive off the edge of the bridge," but I just kept on praying and driving trying to get to the Utah border as fast as we could. I guess whatever it was; it was started in the spirit at Brigham Young University. The demonic forces were mad and were after us as we headed for the border.
By the time we were twenty minutes from the border the attacks on me were getting physical. My left foot started burning and hurting as if something was squeezing it, as if it were in a metal vice. I just kept praying in tongues and in my mind trying to bind and rebuke the Satanic forces.
Then my right arm started receiving sharp pains, but I just kept praying, praying, praying and praying trying to reach the Nevada border as fast as I could.
Then without any warning I got hit in the groin. Now I was really in pain, and I could not stop it in any manner or shape. At one point I felt like stopping the truck, but I knew my friend wouldn't want to, and the Lord stressed that we should leave, and since I felt accountable to take my friend out of the state, I decided to proceed with the pain, at least until we were safely out of the state of Utah. When we finally reached the border I was a very joyful man.
Once out the state of Utah my partner took over the driving and I tried to get some rest. This whole Brigham Young University episode tested me to the maximum in my Christian walk with Christ. Looking back now, I see the reason for all the training the Lord gave me in prayer and in obedience these past years. For I now know. I most certainly wouldn't have done it a few years ago.
All I can say now is, "Thank you Lord, but I think you still picked the wrong person for this. Amen."
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