604. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 October 1994 at 9:14 AM. in Spanish.

Post. Here comes the post of the devil with the determination of the devil. Here comes all the filthy things. Here comes the highway to the pit, direct and to the point. Yes! It has arrived the manner of the devil. It is going to become hot all the world, with the fever of the devil. For this is his last chance. He has to corral all the sheep that are his. For his sheep hear his word and they do what the devil says to the point. For all the devil's sheep; are one; are filthy; are of the pit, with the demons, with the flesh of the devil; are going to want to kill all that is clean. All that is of God, of the Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit.

All the countries that I told you about; there's where they're going to start. And no one is going to be able to stop them. For the devil is going to fan them and all the people who run after the devil are going to have the fever of the devil. Yes! This is the counsel of Heaven, with the Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit.

It has arrived the tears of the Christians. It has arrived the days of suffering. It has arrived all the things that are in the Bible. I tell you and I tell you and I tell you to read it, but you make yourself deaf. You place your hands over your ears and in front of your eyes. For you don't want to hear the Word of God. You don't want to read it, but here comes the day that you are going to want to read it. But there aren't going to be Bibles to read. Don't say, that I didn't tell you.

For if you have a clean heart you are going to need the Bible in your heart. That's why I tell you with Love. But no one can do it for you, or tell you a thing, for you believe you are so great. You are running with the devil, but you are going to have to choose, the bad manner or the correct manner. Right now it is easy. You can buy a Bible and read it everyday, every night. All that you want is there in the Bible, but you don't have the time to seek your God.

Mark it on your calendar, "Here comes the day that you are going to seek God and He is not going to hear you. For you didn't have the time to go and read the Bible." I tell you clearly! I tell you to the point! If you turn your back on Me! I am going to turn My Back on you! And don't say that I didn't tell you. When your tears begin to run in front of your eyes; for the things you are going to see; for the things you are going to have to do. For the devil isn't going to give you a chance. He is going to eat your head with the force of the teeth of the demons.

What a shame! That there in front of your nose are the things of God and you don't see them, and you don't seek them. What a shame! For you have all the chances of Heaven; all the chances of My Son Jesus; all the chances of the Holy Spirit; all the chances of the Father. But you believe that you can do it in your manner. But your manner is going to take you to the pit; hand in hand with the demons; hand in hand with the devil.

What a shame! That you were so close and you lost it ALL. For you didn't want to read the Bible; for you didn't have time to do the right things. What a shame! For it is so easy, but I am not going to Force you. But remember!, when I turn My Back and walk in the other direction with My Sheep, the ones that hear Me. YOU PLACED YOURSELF THERE, YOU YOURSELF! No one helped you; you and your heart, with all that you had; you knew the right things, and you knew the bad things, and you chose the bad things.

Remember! That your Father told you, direct and to the point. And you told Him you didn't have the time. For you are having lots of joy now. And you didn't have the time to read the Bible for your male and female friends wanted to do bad things. These are the things that I am telling you; on this day, on this date. That it has arrived the end of you in the manner of the devil.


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