671. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 January 1995 at 1:40 PM. in Spanish.

Over there, over there, over there My son. Over there are all the things that I told you in the manner of God, with the Force of God. I tell you to the point. I tell you clearly. The days that are coming are the days of persecution. The days of persecution. Yes! They have arrived.

Blood going to spill from the Body of My Son with the spear. The spear that hit the side of My Son is going to be the spear that's going to hit the Body again, the Body of My Son in the world. The spear in His side, the Water and the Blood are going to spill together, to clean what has to be clean.

Do you hear Me, Reymundo? Put it down, write, what I tell you, with the Lips of the Father, with the Lips of the Son, with the Lips of the Holy Spirit. It has arrived the Water and the Blood of the spear. Tell everyone that here comes the day that the spear is going to hit the Body of My Son in the side.

These are the Words of your God, the Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit. The End is here! Do you remember the day of Jonah? It has arrived. Read the Book of Jonah. For the day and the date of the Water and the Blood has arrived.


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