681. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 4 February 1995 at 9:45 AM.


The night before the FGBMFI breakfast I couldn't sleep. I was awake until about 3 AM. praying about personal things. I asked the Lord to show me an answer to my prayers from the Bible, from the first thing that I would see when I opened it and that would be my answer. So I opened my new Bible and the Lord gave me the Book of John, Chapter 11 and that was all. After reading the chapter I fell asleep, but the next morning during worship at the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International Breakfast the Lord give me this Prophecy.


"Find-------Fine! Read the Book of John Chapter 11 about the resurrection of Lazarus. Thy Body of My Son is dead and in Four days I will bring it back to life."

Then the Lord showed me this Vision:


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