686. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 February 1995 at 12: 37 AM. in Spanish.
My son, I am going to give you what I have said. It has arrived the day of persecution, the persecution of the Body of My Son. Did you hear Me?, the persecution. Yes, it has arrived. Did you hear Me? Do you have your ears open? For it has arrived, "The End." It has arrived what I have told you. Look, you have to get ready for here comes all the gifts, all the things from Heaven.
Oh oh oh. Here comes My Son Jesus to fight for all the sheep, for all that's His, with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of everything that is from God. It has arrived, "The End", the End of the world. I tell you clearly. I tell you to the Point. I tell you with My Lips. For here comes My Word with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
Yes!, the pit is going to open and all that is filthy, all that isn't Mine, I am going to place in the pit. Did you hear Me? Here comes the pit! Here comes the pit! For I am only going to save what is Clean; what is Pointed; what I gave to My Son in the manner of God. It has arrived, the Force of the Holy Spirit, the Force of the My Son, the Word. Yes! It has arrived! Yes! It has arrived! (over)
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