710. Prophecy, Vision, and Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 April 1995 at 9:10 AM.

During the worship of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International breakfast I went into the spirit. The Lord showed me, what I thought at first was a whole mound of bodies, or heads, but the Lord wouldn't let focus on what this mound was made of, but it was a heap of something. Then the Lord showed me the image of the map of the United States overlaid on this mound or mountain of whatever it was.

As the worship proceeded I saw myself in warfare in the spirit. I was standing in the spirit winging a sword. I was swinging it from right to left and from right to left.

The Lord kept saying, "Keep swinging, keep swinging."

Evidently the enemy wanted to stop me from receiving from the Lord. All I could see in the spirit was myself swinging this sword as the Lord kept telling me to swing and swing the sword. The next thing I saw was Christ dancing to the worship music and I kept seeing myself swinging this sword.

Then the next image was of Christ standing. He had a spear pointed up from the ground, with the point up. As I watched I could see something spinning on the point of the spear. I watched closer, and noticed it was me, but I was small compared to the spear. The spear looked about 6 feet high and I about 6 inches in length for I was spinning in a flat horizontal position on the point of the spear. Then the image changed and there was a woman on the spear and it had pierced her. I could see the woman's arms hanging in the air with the spear completely through the center of the woman body.

Then the Lord said, "Here comes the wrath of God."

Then the next thing I saw was warfare in the Heavens and really intense. I could sense God's Evangelic Forces fighting the demonic forces. At once I didn't want to see it and wanted out of the spirit. I was trying to close my spiritual eyes because the warfare was so intense and I sensed it all around me. It was in all the Heavens. The Lord was showing me ALL the Heavens at war. Everything that was dirty, everything that was demonic was fighting everything that was good. I kept trying to avoid seeing it because it was everywhere and it hurt my spirit as I watched! Everywhere you looked there was a battle going on. I guess God was mopping up the Heavens or wherever these things are in the spirit. It frightened me as I watched and it wouldn't go away. The power forces fighting each were incomprehensible.

The Lord kept saying to me, "Ray keep swinging that sword. I am going to send you further out. Keep swinging the sword."

The whole thing frightened me for it was so real. I wish.., I could explain the word: "Frightened," to describe it fully what I was seeing. And lately I have been having a hard time just keeping my body together in this world. The enemy has been hitting me hard with the finances, with the things of life, with my family. I feel very warn-out and very tired and the Lord says, "Keep swinging the sword, Ray. Keep moving forward."

I guess that's all. (over)


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