726. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 May 1995 at 8:30 AM.

Modesto FGBMFI four day conference:

During the Saturday breakfast meeting, Chester Smith, one of the main speakers and healing ministers, who had conducted the healing service Thursday and Friday walked into the breakfast room. I happened to see him as he walked in and what I saw on him frightened me. I saw "Death" all over Chester Smith. I didn't know what to do at this point, so I did nothing. What struck me unusual was that I had sensed something wrong with him Thursday night. When he was slain in the spirit or fell as he was walking out of the conference room at the end of his healing service. That was the first time I sensed something was wrong, but I didn't know what. So I did nothing and just watched. Now this Saturday morning after seeing "Death" all over him I watched him more closely during this opening prayer he was giving.

Nothing unusual happened so I placed it out of my mind and proceeded to fellowship with a new found Christian brother I had met at the conference.

After breakfast the praise music started and I went into the spirit and the Lord said, "Find Chester Smith and pray for him."

And the Lord gave me a vision of a number of men laying hands on him and praying for him. Suddenly a burning burden fell upon me and I proceeded to walk all over the breakfast room seeking Chester Smith and not even knowing what I was going to say to him when I did find him. I felt like a crazy man with a mission that felt like; I was going to explode if I didn't find him soon. He was nowhere to be found and in desperation the President of the Oakland Chapter caught my eye. So I went to him and told him what the Lord had said to me, that Christian men had to pray for Chester Smith. He stood up and looked for him, but could not find him either. He asked me if I knew him, and I said I didn't. So he said, he would take care of it. So I went back to my breakfast table and another praise song started.

Then the Lord said to Me, "Find Chester Smith NOW! and pray for him".

So I proceed again seeking Chester Smith without success and went to the President of the Oakland Chapter again and this time I told him in a firm but stern voice, "We have to pray for Chester Smith. Now!"

I guess it shocked him for he took a half a step back, looked at me and wrote something down and said he would take care of it, and sat down again. This burning pain in my chest just wouldn't stop. So I went back to my chair and asked my prayer partner to go with me to the prayer room and pray for Chester Smith. The both of us speedily left the breakfast with the new found Christian brother tailing behind us. He stopped me outside and asked what was going on. So I told him the story and he went with us to the prayer room. The three of us prayed through the luncheon until about 2 PM. when the Lord released me from the burden. I had been on my knees for so long that I could hardly walk after the prayer session and my body was totally exhausted. So I went to bed for some rest and woke up hungry as if I were going to die if I didn't get something to eat. My prayer partner and I went to a restaurant and ate. Two hours later at the dinner banquet I was speaking to the Christian brother that had prayed with us and he said. "Do you hear what happened to Chester Smith."

I said, "No."

He said that Chester Smith's granddaughter had fell into a swimming pool and had drown this morning, but was in the hospital. He told me to go and speak to the President of the Oakland Chapter and that he knew more about what had happened. So I went to him asked and he said the same thing and thanked us for praying when we did. About a half an hour later the conference was informed and we all prayed for the little girl. He also stated that Chester Smith had arrived at the pool area when the little girl was taken out of the pool. That he had laid hands on her and prayed and she coughed up water and was rushed to the hospital. That she was still alive. The hospital stated, she's the first one in twelve years to survive, this type of drowning in that hospital.

This was my first Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International Conference and we left for home exhausted after the four days of praying.

Note: On 2 June 1995 at the prayer meeting of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, the President of the Oakland Chapter told me the Chester Smith's 17 month old granddaughter totally recovered with no effects from the drowning. Praise the Lord!


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