750. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 14 June 1995 at 11:33 AM. in Spanish.
He found. He found the head of the devil, the mechanic. The mechanic that believes he knows it all. He found the head of the devil with his pointed teeth. The wife of the devil is ready. The wife of the devil, she is ready and pointed, Did you hear Me?
There are many things that I am telling you with My prophet Reymundo. That are very hard, but they are the truth. There is going to come a day that all the things that I have told you are going to be revealed. And you're going to know, that I told you the truth. For I am, the God of the world, of Heaven, of the stars, of all that you see, of all that you touch, with the Son, Jesus, with the Holy Spirit. I tell you the things in the manner of God.
For there are things in this world that are not easy. You have to work; You have to seek your God. There has been many times that I have given you things easily, and you have taken them and you have run after the devil. But all the Glory is of the Father, the Son, with the Holy Spirit. You believe that you can do what you want with the WORD of God. You believe that I don't hear and that I don't see the things that you do. You're going to be frightened when your knee hits the floor, and I am going to tell you all things you have done; to the point. Because the God of Heaven, of the world, knows ALL.
He knows all the things that you didn't repent; He is going to show them to you, and He is going to tell you to the point. For you cannot fool the God, of Heaven, of the world, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. I tell you clearly. I tell you to the point. You can laugh. You can tell jokes about your God. You can bury your head under the ground. You can tell all of your male and female friends that there isn't a God. You can jump up and roll yourself on the floor and kick into the air telling everyone that there isn't a God. But I tell you now this minute, that YOU and I are going to TALK!
Did you hear Me? I am telling you, YOU and I! There's going to be a moment in time that We are going to talk, "Eye to eye, Face to face." And I am going to show you all the things that you have done, that you didn't repent. You will not be able to hide yourself from Me. Because MY EYE is going to LOOK at your EYE, and you're going to know; That what I am telling you is the TRUTH. But THESE THINGS ARE ONLY BETWEEN YOU AND ME. There isn't going to be your mother or father, your husband or wife, your son, your daughter, your male or female friends. These things are serious. It's going to be ME and YOU, Face to face, Eye to eye and I am going to correct you, for all the things that you didn't repent.
Did you hear Me? You aren't kicking into the air yet, and rolling yourself on the floor with your hands over your ears trying not to hear your God of Heaven, of the world, with the Son Jesus, with the Holy Spirit. I am going to hit you rapidly and it's going to hurt you; Not the hit, but the WORD, the righteous WORD. The Word that is the TRUTH. It's going to hurt you, but this is the manner of God. Eye to eye, Face to face, I am going to tell you. You will not be able to hide yourself. You will not be able to get up and run.
Did you hear Me? I am reading your heart this minute of what is going on in your spirit, in your mind. I am reading to see if you are mad or if you have joy. I know, if you are going to repent, but My Mind is clean because I tell you before it happens. I am telling you now that I am going to correct you, Eye to eye, Face to face. For I haven't forgotten a thing, to the letter, and to the point. You are going to pay for all the things that you didn't repent.
Did you hear Me?, or did you stop reading what I am telling you. It's not important right now, but there is going to come a day that it is going to be VERY important for you. For I am going to look at you, Eye to eye, Face to face. I am telling you the manner of God, but if you are still reading and hearing what I am telling you and you repent. It's going to give Me, "JOY". For it's going to give Me the JOY of Heaven and what you have done will not be important, and I will hug you and kiss you. But if you don't repent, I will give you the HAND of God directly and to the point.
I don't want to do, what I have to do. For the things of the devil are not good. And I don't like to correct the things that I have to correct, but I know, that I am God. I know the correct manner and you cannot correct yourself because you're eating with the devil. You are sleeping with the devil. You like the demons, the devils. It has arrived the day of correction. All the manners, all the things that are not yet repented.
This minute I am reading the hearts of the people that are crying. I am looking at the tears that are coming out of their eyes. For they know that this is the WORD of God, and this minute they are breaking. For they know that they are doing wrong. And now this minute they know that I KNOW! They are crying with all of their heart, the TEARS of REPENTANCE. That's what I want to see, the tears of the heart of repentance. Those who are crying right now, I am going to SAVE. I am going to kiss them and I am going to take them to Heaven. For they know the manner of God and they recognize My WORD because they belong to Me.
The rest, the ones who are mad, and are cursing Me right now. I am going to send them, with the devil, with their god. In that way they can say all cursing they want in the pit. For no one is going to hear them, accept for their god. You believe that you can do; that you say what you want to your God in the manner of the devil. I am going to show you the manner of God, when I hit you with My Hand. I am going to leave you, I am going to leave you there cursing. I am not going to tell you a thing until your knee comes and hits the floor. Then I am going to look at you, Eye to eye, Face to face, to see if you say your cursing to My Face. You don't know what Force is until you see the Force of your God. I have the patience to wait. Let see if you have the patience's of the pit. For there you will be for all the days that are days.
The rest that are crying they have to repent, when they do something bad and all will go well. For I don't remember the things that you have repented. I tell you the TRUTH. I am going to hug you. I am going to kiss you with the Lips of Heaven. With My Son Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, I tell you these things in seriousness, Face to face, Eye to eye.
This is the WORD of your God the One who made ALL, with My WORD, with the Holy Spirit. I tell you the manner, the way, of God. Hurry! Get up clean your eyes, dry them, for I LOVE YOU with My Heart, with ALL the LOVE of Heaven. I have already forgotten all that you have done, but remember, Eye to eye, Face to face. (over)
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