768. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 July 1995 at 9:06 AM. in Spanish.
Pass Over. Yes! It will Pass Over. The Pass Over has arrived. Did you hear Me? The Pass Over has arrived. Do you understand? The Pass Over has arrived. All will go correctly and in the manner of God. All will go to the letter, to the point; The Pass Over. The Pass Over has arrived, the ones who eat the Communion. It has arrived the Pass Over. Remember, the Communion; everyday. You have to eat the Communion. It has arrived the Pass Over, the Pass Over. Did you hear Me?, all the Christians that have the hunger for God; that seek God, with all of their mind, with all of their heart, with all of their spirit. The Pass Over has arrived. You have to eat the Communion, with the Heart of the Holy Spirit, with the Heart of My Son, Jesus, with the Heart of the Father. I tell you CLEARLY. I tell you to the POINT. If you want to pass the Pass Over.
I know the ones that are going to eat Communion everyday. I know the ones that are going to laugh. I know the ones that are going to get mad. But you My Sons and Daughters, the ones who seek Me with your hearts, the ones who eat the Communion everyday with their love pointed toward the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are the ones that are going to pass the Pass Over, the Pass Over. I know there are many that don't believe in the Communion. They want to do what they want, and in the manner they want.
But, I tell you on this day to the point, if you don't eat the Communion. You are not going to pass the Pass Over. Because here comes the Angel of Death. Here comes the Angel of Death. Hear comes the Angel of Death. And when He comes you're not going to have the time to eat the Pass Over, the Communion of God. What I tell you is the Truth! What I tell you is to the POINT. It is CLEAR! This is your Father telling you the Truth, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit.
I know that this minute, there are some who are sitting and thinking about what I have just said. That's good, but if you sit there and wait a long time, you're not going to pass the Pass Over. There are others that are going to take these Words and are going to laugh, and they are going to make a joke of My Prophecy and the prophet that sends My Word. I know what's going to happen to them, when the Pass Over comes. For the things of God are serious and are to the point. They are the Words of LIFE! They are the Words of DEATH!, with nothing in the middle.
If you hear Me, and if you do what I tell you; You will live. If not!.., I WILL KILL YOU!, with the Force of My Word. Did you hear Me? This is clear and to the point. This is NOT A GAME! This is NOT A JOKE! This is the Word of God, CLEARLY AND TO THE POINT! You will live or I will KILL YOU! I know that you are not thinking right now (shocked) because you got frightened with the Words that I have told you. But you don't know what it is to be frightened until the Angel of Death comes. But you can't say that I didn't tell you.
Remember, when He comes and knocks on your door, what I have told you. If you want to save yourself eat the Communion to the point. I don't care if you are the President or if you clean the floors for the President. If you eat the Communion, I will save you. If you don't, I will KILL YOU! Did you hear Me?, CLEARLY and to the POINT. It has arrived the day of the Angel of Death. (over)
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