801. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 September 1995 in Spanish.

How is it going? How is it going my son? I know.., that you know; that the war around you is very fierce right now. But that's because you are doing the work of your God to the point. I know that you are tired. I know that you need money, and I know the things of the heart. But look..., everything will go well; everything will go to the point. I want you to make Me four more Books. And I will show you what to do with the Books.

It has arrived the Fatima of God, Fatima of God. You know.., and I know; that the Force of God has arrived to the point. But look.., the TIME is mine. Everything is going to happen in the manner of God, with the Force of God. You are My tongue and the Holy Spirit is going to speak, and is going to use your tongue, to the point, with Force. And you are going to straighten the things of God, of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. For everything is crooked, but the God who made the Heavens, the world, the stars, is going to straighten ALL. Did you hear Me? "With the tongue of the Holy Spirit, the Force, the manner of God".

Rest. I am going to give you the money that you need. The Love of God is going to hit you, in your heart, because you are My beloved. I know that you don't believe it this minute. For you are not thinking clearly. Because you are tired; your heart is hurting you; your body is hurting you; and your mind is hurting you. But all that I promised you.., is going to be, is going to arrive to the point. We have almost finished with one part of the work of God. Almost.

I like the way you read the Bible, with all of your spirit, with all of your mind, with all that you have. I am going to show you the things of God, but that's another thing you have to do; Study the Bible, with the Eyes of God, with the Ears of God, with the Spirit of God. The Force of Holy Spirit has arrived to Straighten, the world, and the Body of God. This is your Father, the Son, with the Holy Spirit.

Rest My son, and remember all the things that I have told you. That I was going to give you the money, the body of one heart. Don't cry.., because I hear you all the days, with My Ears. I hear you. You have to trust Me. But I know.., that all will go well. Go on..., rest and I will tell you more on another day, on another date, on another time, with the Lips of Heaven. I tell you the Truth. (over)


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