856. Prophecy and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 January 1996 at 10:00 PM.
During prayer at the Tuesday night prayer meeting, the Lord said, "Vengeance is Mine."
Then I had a vision of a submarine propeller underneath the water.
Then I saw a missile come from underneath the water and shoot into the sky. Then there was this large explosion in the sky. The explosion lit up the sky as an expanding circular light. As I was viewing it from underneath just before the expanded light filled the whole sky, I saw an image of the Statue of Liberty directly beneath the center of the circular light. What was so strange about the Statue of Liberty was it's height, it was miles high into the sky (right up to the light).
Then the Lord said, "In one hour."
A vision of two mountains fusing together and becoming one.
Then later, Lord kept saying over and over, "Beware of the man in a two piece suit."
I saw a vision of an engagement ring, but instead of having a diamond, it had the image of a cup cake.
Then I saw a vision of a child's hands, hanging and swinging, hand over hand from a series of large metal rings; like the kind you see in a children's playground. (over)
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