867. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 28 February 1996 at 9:45 AM. in English.
The Lord said, "Type up My Words from 1990. I will show you where to begin and where to stop."
Prophecies given on 4 December 1990:
These are Prophecies an conversations I had with Jesus Christ a few days after the Mt. Diablo anointing of December 2. They were given on 4 December 1990 during the time when I was being trained to receive His Word. This is only part of the un-typed audio recording tape. It has been sitting on my shelf for six years waiting for the Lord to tell me to send it out. God bless you all. Ray Aguilera
.....Let the Holy Spirit teach you to be obedient too. For there is nothing to fear, but fear itself. For My Love for you is great. Remember, to Me, the I AM, the I AM, the I AM there is no such thing as great men. I Love all men equally. I Love the lowest of the lowest with the same Love I have for you, Ray. I do not Love anyone more than others. For My Whole existence is Love; My Whole Heart is Love; My Whole Mind is Love. So Love thy enemy, Love thy enemy. Love thy enemy, Ray.
Tell people to confess their sins. People listen to My Words! Ray, listen to My Words! Confess your sins. I, the Great I am, I am, I am-I am, I will forgive anything. Anything you say; anything you do; anything you see; anything you hear; anything from above; anything from below. I have complete, total forgiveness. So tell everyone, for the Gates to Heaven are narrow, and only a few will make it. The few will be the righteous. The few will be the righteous. The few will be the righteous. The Christians without blemish that Love My Son without question, without blemish, without blemish, without blemish. For what is in Heaven is PURE and CLEAN.
My son, tell My People, tell My People to beware, beware of the evil one for the evil one is everywhere, but I cast him out of My Locations on Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday (December 2). For he is the evil one of the air now. He is mad, but no one cares in Heaven. No one cares in Heaven; whether he is mad or not. For they have been tired of him for many, many, many years.
The fulfillment of the Law had to be complete, but he still influences the world from the air. The war has begun, the war has begun, Ray. There are battles in the air this instant, this very second that we are talking. The Angels of Christ are battling the angels of Satan, and the angels of Satan have a one way trip to Hades never to come out - ever. For their disobedience was beyond, beyond, the comprehension of what My People could ever comprehend, and there is no way out of hell. No one wants to go to hell for you'll never comprehend the agony, the torture, the anxiety of this place I have created. For the damnation of the wicked. For the damnation of the disobedient. For the damnation of the followers of Baba (Beelzebub). The damnation of the idol seekers.
For there is only ONE GOD, the I am, I am, I am - I am, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Counselor - the Holy Spirit, for there is nothing else, but US. We were; We are; We will always be.
So listen, open your eyes, open your ears for the clock is ticking, the war has begun. Look to the sky. Look to the sky for the wonders are in the sky, the signs are in the sky, the war, the battle is in the sky. Our Angels, our Angels, our Angels, our Angels are defeating Satan at this very second.
Look at the sky.
Look at the sky.
Look at the sky.
There are going to be signs of wonder.
The moon will turn red.
The sky will turn black.
The stars will fall from the air.
The stars will fall from the air.
The heavens will be black.
The heavens will be black.
For I will make a new world.
For I will make a new world for My Saints.
I will make a new world that will last for ever and ever and ever.
This is My Word.
This is My Decree to My Children that have obeyed and Loved My Son, and have used My Counselor to guide them to their Heaven, to be with Me, their Father, who Loves them with all His Heart.
For not a one will slip through My Hands.
Not a one will fail to come to Heaven if they only obey.
Obey My Son.
Obey My Son.
Obey My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
For ONLY through Him can you come to Me.
For ONLY through Him can you save your soul.
For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan.
For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan.
For ONLY through Him can you escape the hand of Satan the evil one.
The murderer, the liar, the fornicator, the molester of children, the molester of the mind and the soul.
His time is here, his time is coming to an end.
His time is coming to an end for My Word is My Word, is My Word.
My Law is the Law, is the Law, is the Law of the universe, of the stars and of the Heavens, of everything that was and is and will be.
Listen open your ears. Open your ears My sons and My daughters for you only have ONE chance. So LISTEN-listen to the counselor, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit. For He is your guide to My Son, My HOLY Son, My BELOVED Son, My ONE and ONLY, My PRECIOUS, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For through Him you will find joy, happiness, peace for ever and ever and ever. So this is the Word from your Father, the I am, the I am, the I am, the I am.
Look to the sky.
Look to the sky.
Look for the signs of wonder.
Do not blind yourself, I am in front of you.
I am in front of you.
I am in front of you.
Touch Me!
Touch Me!
Caress Me!
Caress Me!
For I am there with My Son and My Counselor.
Do not blind yourself WITH worldly things.
Do not blind yourself FOR worldly things.
Do not blind yourself with worldly things
For THEY ARE from the evil one, the evil one.
The evil one is next to you.
He wants you because he knows he has lost.
He has lost.
He has lost.
My Children don't make Me Cry. Don't make Cry for another soul. Don't make Cry for another soul that Satan has taken from My Grasp because of your hard head, because of your hard head. You will find Hades and the Abyss for ever and ever and ever. Turn to Jesus Christ of Nazareth the ONLY hope, the ONLY way, the ONLY path. He is at the Gates of Heaven. He is at the Gates of Heaven.
Open your hearts. Open your minds. Open, Open, Open, Open for the time is coming, the time is coming; for the wrath of God, the wrath of God, the wrath of the Great I am I am I am-I am is here. So listen to My Words, the Words of the Great I am, I am-I am, I am. For the time is here and your eyes will see, in your life time, the wrath of God. For it was foretold to your father's, father's, father's, father's-father's from the beginning that this day would come. You have killed My Prophets. You have killed My Apostles. You have done abominable things to Me, My Son, and My Counselor.
There is only one left. I saved the best for the last. Those that will be first will be last. Those that will be last will be first. That is My Law. Love thy enemy. Love thy neighbor. Love your God the I am, I am above all; the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ - the DOORWAY - the Doorway to salvation.
Open your ears. Open your eyes. Listen to My Prophet. Listen to My Prophet for I will not let him be hurt. I will not let him be tortured. I will not let him be thrown into prison because he is the last of the last, of the last, of the last, of the last. The end is here. My Children open your eyes. Open your eyes for this your Father the I am, I am. Have mercy on each other; for I give you mercy.
The path is so simple. So easy. Open your eyes. Open your eyes this is the I am, I am, I am. This is the I am, I am, I am. This is the I am, I am, I am - I am, I am - I am. I Love you all. Peace be with you, My Children. (over)
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