869. Prophecies and Visions given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 March 1996 at 8:00 PM.


These visions and prophecies were received during worship (except for the last seven) at our weekly Tuesday night communion and prayer meeting- that some nine men and women gather. Almost from the start of the worship music, I found myself face down and flat on the floor, with my hands out in the form of a "T", and weeping from the events that I saw during the two hours on the floor.


Before my face went to the floor, I saw a large red check mark over the projected song that was on the wall. (over)


Then I had a vision of a large cloud covered Planet that I saw back in # 2 Prophecy on 18 July 1990, but this time it looked small and was being held between the Lord's thumb and first finger.


As I watched- I saw a black string wrapped around the Finger of the Lord and the Finger was pulled up with a string. I could see the clouded planet left on top of the Thumb. Then the Thumb was removed, and the planet was left alone in outer space.


Then I saw the Lord's whole Hand- but in a Fist, with the string still tied to the first Finger. Then I saw a black string tied around the Wrist and the string was pulled and the whole Arm lifted up to the vertical position. (over)


The next vision was a sensor like the kind the Lord speaks about in the bible, and someone was placing incenses in it- to burn. But before the contents were burned I saw something that looked like snow flakes falling from the air onto the sensor. So much of the white stuff fell on top of the sensor and the surrounding area - that a mound about 10 feet high covered the sensor, and the sensor could not be seen anymore. Then this white stuff changed into a gold looking mound that started to radiate or glow with a white cloud look. As this mound was radiating; this round rainbow appeared in mid-air about half way up the glowing clouds.


I asked myself, "What is this stuff."

The Lord said, "Those are the prayers of the saints." (over)


Then I saw the Bride of Christ standing in front of the Lord, but with her back facing the Lord, and the Lord had His Arms around her. They Both were - just standing there quietly - and swaying from side to side. Then this large white glowing ring that looked like a Hula-Hoop appeared around them and it started to sway and rock up and down around them. The ring had more of a teeter-totter movement. (over)


Then out of nowhere a large nuclear explosion appeared and quickly disappeared. (over)


As I was in the spirit and wondering what had just happened, I noticed a man dancing to the worship music in the spirit and wondering who he was.

Then I heard a voice say, "It's Me, Jesus."

I stood watching Jesus dance in perfect time to the worship music. Then He motioned me to come down, and dance with Him. All that came to my mind was my sinful nature, all of my past unbelief, and I felt so unworthy. All these things were running through my mind as He beckoned me down. How could He asked me to dance with Him with all of my doubts. So I went down and stood beside Him and He took my right hand with His Left Hand. We were standing like in a line dance or how Greek men dance side-by-side. At first, I tried, but this feeling of unworthiness was all over my physical body, as I was viewing it in the spirit, and I began to cry and cry in the flesh with my face flat on the floor.

And I told Jesus, "I can't do this! I'll just watch you dance."

So I stood back and watched Him dance and dance and dance to the uplifting worship music with perfect timing.

Then He motioned me again, and said, "Come- and try it again just follow Me. It's easy."

So I gave it another try and before long we were dancing side-by-side all over the place in perfect timing to the worship music. One other thing, I became so overwhelmed in the flesh that I cried, but I danced in the spirit with such joy; I became high with happiness, in the flesh and in the spirit, once I learned how to follow the Lord. It got to the point where I was so happy in dancing, that Jesus stepped back and watched me dance for Him. I was so happy that I didn't want to ever stop.


Then the vision changed and I saw four grave stones dancing to the same worship music. It looked funny at first, but they kept perfect time to the music too. So I took a second look, but this time each grave stone had a left arm and they were all holding a large spoon almost as large as the grave stone itself; as they danced in perfect timing swings and waving their large spoons in the air. Unusual looking, but very real.


All of sudden the vision changed again, but this time I saw a mid-eastern looking man dancing to the music. Then a man wearing a suit; then a woman, and before long there were people dancing as far as the eye could see. Millions and millions of people - all dancing with perfect timing to the worship music. It was INCREDIBLE watching it in the spirit; this mass of humanity moving without one person missing a step to the FAST uplifting worship music. Like I said earlier it was like line dancing. All the people were dancing side-side and facing forward.


The next vision was of a judge's mallet coming down as the people danced in perfect form to the FAST worship music; as the Lord watched. As I watched the mallet come down and hit the wooden plate, I thought for sure I would see someone fall out of step or disappear. But nothing happened and the people kept on dancing as if they didn't even hear the judge's mallet come down. This happened three times, but not one person missed a step.


It seems unusual as I type this - for I can almost hear and feel the fast worship music, and see all of those people dancing in rhythm before the Lord.

It seemed the Lord was saying- that anyone who is in step with Him doesn't have to worry about judgment. They don't even hear it, because they are in Him and with Him, and in His protection.


The next vision was of Jesus Christ dancing alone with the Bride of Christ. They had the whole dance floor to themselves for I couldn't see anyone else there. They reminded me of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers swinging and twirling around and around in this vast open space, in perfect timing to the worship music. I could see the Bride wearing on Her head, this large wide white hat with this black ribbon around the hat. I looked a second time, and this time She was wearing a different large hat (same style), but with light colored ribbons (yellow & white) coming out of the top of the hat. The third hat was also large and white, but it looked like it had holes around the brim almost as if it was crocheted. But the most interesting thing was their movement. They were always in PERFECT TIME to the music.


This was one of the BEST visions in the spirit I have ever had and will remember it for many years. (over)


Then after worship and during the prayer time, I saw a liquid silver metal looking man beginning to play golf. The man reminded me of the Terminator in the movie Terminator 2 that moved like liquid metal. While watching him take this small round ball and place it on the ground. I began to wonder who he was.


Then I heard a voice say, "It's Me, Jesus!"

I said, "JESUS- do you play golf!" with a surprised sound coming out of my spirit.

And Jesus said, "I'm going to HIT that BALL into that HOLE!" (over)


Then the next vision was of a man wearing a pair of dark sun glasses; the kind that the Secret Service wear when they protect the President of the United States. (over)


The next vision was of a Dove flying and staying in mid-air with slow moving wings; like what a humming bird would do, but the wings were moving slowly. Then the vision changed and a glass of water appeared in front of the Dove and the Dove began to drink the water. (over)


The next vision was of a vulture's head. (over)

Vision and Prophecy:

The next image was of a beautiful little bird saying to the Lord, "Heal my throat for I cannot sing."

Then the Lord said to the little bird, "Open your beak and let Me see inside your throat."

After looking inside the little bird's throat, I saw the Lord move back as the little bird closed its beak.

And the Lord said, "Move on - there is nothing wrong with your throat!" (over)


Somehow after this, I found myself in the spirit, but way-out in outer space. As I looked down at the stars I could see that they had a slow swirling motion. (over)


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