881. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 20 March 1996 at 1:15 AM. in Spanish.
It has arrived - it has arrived! It has arrived the flame from heaven. I don't understand why the people of the world don't want to hear Me. They are deaf and they are blind. They are so near the pit, but everything that I have said in the bible is going to happen - exactly! I am not going to lose a one, because I am God and what I say happens. Did you hear Me, Reymundo? What I say is going to happen. I told you that I was going to give you the money, and you know that I have given it to you. When I say it - it happens! I know that your brothers and sisters helped you, but they are going to have to help you more. For I have things that you have to do. And I don't want you to have worries about money.
For I am going to use you with Force, and the devil is going to get mad. Put it on your calendar. But he (devil) won't do a thing. He won't be able to do a thing. For I am going to protect you with My Angels, with My Word. For I am going to tell you things about the end. The things that are going to happen to the Body of My Son. And I want your mind to be Clear. There are many in the Body of My Son that are waiting for your Word that you're writing for your Father. When they read the Word of your God, the One who made the world, the sky, all that they touch, all that they see, all that they think, they are going to cry. They are going to cry because they are going to know it's their Father, with the Son, and with the Holy Spirit.
The ones who seek the devil; the people who have their ears stopped up, and their eyes closed. Yes! The ones who are blind; the ones who are deaf. For they want things; they want money; they want all the things that are not of God. They seek those things first, and at times, they don't even seek their God. They seek Me ONLY when things go bad and they get frightened. But the day of fright has arrived. They are going to seek Me, and I am not going to help them, and I am not going to hear them. For I told them, and I told them, and I told them. They turned their backs and they ran after their THINGS. The things that are god to them. Lets see if these THINGS can protect them.
Yes! For there is coming a man - who is going to want to eat you with force. And it's not going to be important to him - what you want to do, and what you don't want to do. For the foot of his shoe is going to be on top of your throat, until your eyes pop out of your head. Then lets see - if you seek your THINGS to help you. For this man is not going to care. He is not like your- Father; like the Son; like the Holy Spirit, that Loves you with all the Love that is. But you have to seek Me; you have to change your mind, your spirit. For I am not going to change to what you want. YOU have to CHANGE and SEEK ME! With tears - I tell you the truth. But I am going to correct you in the manner of God.
There are some who are reading this Word- this minute; they are thinking: "Oh- this man is crazy! He believes he's talking with God. And He is believing that God is talking with him. He is really CRAZY! He has DEMONS in him." But hear Me - this minute! There is going to come a day that you are going to find out who this man - Reymundo- is talking to. I am going to put it in your mind, when the man puts his foot over your throat. Then you are going to think, and you are going to remember - that I told you. We are going to see - who is correct, your Father or your mind that has demons; that chases after gods of machines, of things; of the things that you want. We are going to see if this, Reymundo of mine is CRAZY.
If you want to seek the devil; he is going to give you a man, and he is going to show you the manner of the devil- to you, to your family, to your friends. Don't worry; the devil will protect you. He knows the manner to protect you. Don't worry! Hurry- keep doing the things you are doing. Everything is going to go very well with you. But I tell you the truth- there is going to come a day that I am going to place this prophecy in your mind- when you are kicking because you cannot catch your breath. For your eyes are going to be popping out of your face, with your crooked tongue, with your god, with your devils. EXACTLY! For you pointed your nose at your god, and I gave him to you.
But the rest - My Angels - the ones who seek Me with their heart, with the Communion, with tears, with prayers, and the ones who know how to repent their sins, those - I am going to protect. Those are MINE! You have to choose, which God you want - and line yourself up in the direction of your God. What a shame! For I know this minute - that there are many, many, many- that are not going to believe Me. And they are going to line themselves with their devil. But that is their manner and I am going to let them go, but My Heart is going to CRY.
For they are going to believe that these Words are from a CRAZY MAN. But the CRAZY ONES are them. What a shame! Yes - My Little Ones - We have arrived at the point of the pit, of the war of the devils. Read the bible from the beginning to the end, and when you are finished, read it again! And when you are finished, read it again. You have to know the things that are in the bible, if you want to save yourself, your family, and your friends. For the day of suffering has arrived.
I tell you with Tears. I tell you with Love. I tell you with My Prophet, Reymundo, My Beloved. He has suffered for you. Now - for seven years - he has suffered for you. And still - there are many that don't believe him - for they are fighting with other brothers of the bible, with other brothers of the Body of My Son. They like to fight, but the day has arrived - that the devil is going to turn loose the man. You have to gather with the Love of God. You have to work together with Force! Did you hear, Me, Clearly and to the Point? The time where everything goes easy, is finished. It has arrived - the time of the devil. (over)
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