925. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 July 1996.
I went camping for two days with three brothers to see if I could get some rest. It was a good trip - I believe, I have to leave town more often before I burn myself up. But on the camping trip, the Lord gave me a vision of His coming.
During prayer the vision started with a Large single White Lit Candle moving forward. Then two small lit candles appeared side by side behind the Large White Candle; then three small lit candles appeared side by side behind the row of two white candles; then four white lit candles appeared side by side behind the row of three candles. Row upon row of lit white candles appeared behind the proceeding row until a Large Triangle of lit Candles could be seen marching behind the Large White Candle (Jesus Christ). It looked like the point of an arrow, and it reminded me of the vision of the Trinity where the Lord showed me a triangle and said We have three points, but We are one triangle. (over)
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