927. Occurrence, Vision, and Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 12 July 1996 at 6:15 PM.

My hands are hurting BADLY and I have been thinking of stopping this Christian walk for a little while, for there isn't enough money to keep it going anyway, and the attacks from the enemy are wearing me out; I was feeling sorry for myself again; when the Lord in His usual wisdom lead me to the Book of Proverbs. He guided me through as I read the end of chapter eight, and then He told me to place it in the Prophecy Book for the OTHERS TO READ.


The Lord gave me a vision of a cracked tree trunk. As I watched, I could see His Hands take this wide strap and wrap it around the broken trunk, and the cracked trunk came back to it's original position.


Then the Lord said, "Seven plus one." (over)


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