962. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 September 1996 at 8:12 PM. in Spanish.

The day has arrived - that your scalp is going to be very important. Yes, your scalp is going to be very important, for the man with the hand of iron is going to want your scalp. Yes, he is going to collect them. And your scalp is going to be money in the pockets of their soldiers. They are going to pay them - for every scalp they get with their knives. And they are going to place all of them on a wire so they will dry. The day of the scalp has arrived!

For speaking Words like this - you believe that these Words; are only Words from a crazy man, that doesn't have any sense. But mark them on your calendar, for this is the Word of your God, the One who made the world, the stars, all that you see, all that you touch. These are not the Words of My Reymundo. The day of the hammer has arrived.

You believe that you can sit on your buttocks (Spanish word used: nalgas) and do nothing, and expect that everything will go well. I am going to awaken you and I am going to scare you with the hammer. You are still playing church. Still - you have not read the Bible. Still - you have not sought your brothers, and your brothers in the street. You believe that you have it easy, but everything is going to change very rapidly and you are not going to find the time to read the Bible.

I tell you the TRUTH! I know the manner of the man with the hand of iron. I know ALL that is going to happen - before it happens. But I am not going to help you if you don't read the Bible or seek out your brothers and sisters in the street for I gave you the Word and I told you what to do. All you did was sit on your buttocks - and you did nothing!

The day that the man with the hand of iron comes: you are going to seek Me OUT! And you are going to cry for yourself and your family - so I can help you, but I am not going to help you. I am going to let the man with the hand of iron take you by the hair, and let him cut your scalp - FOR YOU BELIEVED YOU KNEW SO MUCH, AND YOU DID WHAT YOU WANTED. That's why I am going to leave you to do what you want - with the man with the hand of iron.

These WORDS are hard. These WORDS are EXACT! These WORDS are the manner of God, but how do you know the manner of God, if you don't read the Bible? You believe God is LOVE and LOVE, but do you remember that I correct things too - EXACT AND TO THE POINT? You have to read ALL of the Bible. You believe all will go well - if you only read the good things of the Bible. I AM GOING TO CHANGE YOU in one manner or another!!! If you have NO Fear of God; you don't know the manner of God.

I tell you and I tell you and I tell you, but you believe you know so much! That's why I am going to leave you alone with your friend, the devil - for you believe you know it ALL. Did you hear Me Clearly and to the Point? The devil will protect you - for you are not Mine. It has arrived, the day of the scalp. Yes, and to the POINT! Let's see if you get scared and begin to read the Bible in the manner of God, for it has arrived - the hand of the man of iron. (over)


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