1074. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 July 1997 at 8:04 AM. in English.
Who are those who come against you My son? Who are those who confront you, who blaspheme the Name of the Lord by their wicked ways? Who are those who dare confront the Lord; God Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with their evil manners, their evil thoughts? Stand firm My son, for you are on the side of righteousness. Be bold, be strong, for the hour is approaching that My Son will appear on the eastern sky with the Power and the Might of Heaven, with the Power and the Might of the Throne of God.
Who are these people who dare confront their God with the words of the devil, the serpent, the dragon of the pit? Mark My Words - nothing in the universe will stop Jehovah. Nothing that man can do or think - or plan, will have anyway of affecting the Word of God. What the Lord has said will happen to the Point, to the Letter.
Be strong, be brave, for the Power of the Holy Spirit is around you! The Power of the Holy Angels will protect you. The Power of My Word, which is ABSOLUTE! Be brave, be strong for here comes the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, to clean, to correct all that is dirty, all that is filthy, all that is of the pit. Who DARES! Who dares to confront The God Jehovah. Have him step forward, and We will see who will be left standing! Who DARES!!! So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
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