1156. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 March 1998 at 7:13 AM.
After receiving this short Prophecy, I was left totally exhausted and dizzy for about three hours. The Power of the Holy Spirit must really be shaking the spiritual world. The spiritual warfare is still intensifying each day. I must praise the Lord here, for I have no idea how I am holding on. At times, I feel like a mad dog pulling on a raga, and other times I feel like a mad dog running with his tail between his legs. All of this spiritual warfare gives me a spiritual rush, but I know it's nothing that I am doing in the spirit or in the flesh. I am realizing though that this warfare is to the death of all that we know.Prophecy:
I am the God of Abraham. I am the God of Jacob, the God of Isaac, the God of Moses, the God of Samuel, the God of Ezekiel, the God of Isaiah, the God of Jeremiah, the God of everything that was, the God of everything that is, the God of everything that will be! The only Peace that will befall this planet is the day, is the hour, is the second, that My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth comes and settles the problems of this world, with the Power and Might of Jehovah, with the Power and Might of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit. All peace and tranquilly that befalls this planet before that day is not real! It is temporary. For the Love of Jehovah is Peace. For the Love of Jesus Christ is Peace. For the Love of the Holy Spirit is Peace.
Read the Bible! Study the Book of Revelation. Study the Words of the Prophets. Be meek, be humble, take Communion, and Pray, and Pray, and Pray. For the events that are facing this planet, will be extremely terrible for all concerned, who are not under the Blood of the Jesus Christ of Nazareth, under that Umbrella, under that Word. For the cleansing by fire is upon you. If you believe, your husband, your wife, your church, your government - can protect you. You will be lost! For only Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the Power of the Holy Spirit, through the Power of Jehovah will protect you. Through His Words, through His Angels, through His Love. (over)
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