1187. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 6 August 1998.
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Sometimes I sense, and I get e-mail from people who think all I do is sit at my computer and think-up all these prophecies. If they only knew the reality of the spiritual world and how close we are to the end of this planet. Then there are the charismatic Christians who think they know it all, and do not waste anytime in telling you so. Some of you know, but most of you do not have the foggiest idea of spiritual warfare directly with Satan's devils.
Most the time Satan is hitting me down to nothing; where I do not know what to do, and backs me up against the wall to certain areas of this world. There are times like last night after I uploaded the min-Prophecy Book and Press Release. I felt like my heart was going to explode, and I was going to die, when I went to bed. I prayed and I prayed to Christ to help me with tears in my eyes until I prayed myself to sleep; hoping I would awaken in the morning. Then the fighting begins all over again the next day. This Prophecy ministry is no fun at all! There have been times I had no money for food or money to pay my bills. Then Satan hits my body, where it feels like he placed me in this metal can and he begins to hit the sides until you feel like you are going crazy. Then there are the times when you feel like you were in a kick boxing fight where you had your feet and hands tied, and you hurt all over the next day. I see so many people trying their best to be a prophet and seeking that position in the Body of Christ. Well, all I can say is, "If the Lord does not choose you; you are wasting yours and everyone else's time. You cannot learn this in prophet school!"
I got three telephone messages from Mark Gabrielson yesterday seeking prayer. He did not sound to good in the tape recording. Mark Gabrielson is hosting the Alaskan mirror prophecy web site. He had planned to visit me next week, but the spiritual warfare has increased so much he call me from Washington State thinking over his decision if he should visit me or not. He mentioned he might turn around and go back home. I still do not know if he is going to turn around and fly back to Alaska. He is half way here already. Then there is Bill Stoneham, who is sitting up the Australian prophecy web site, he called me last week also with almost the same problem, SPIRITUAL WARFARE! They are beginning to get a taste of the reality of carrying that cross.
Remember what the Bible says:
Mat 10:37 "Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
Mat 10:38 and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
Mat 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.
Mat 16:25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. Mat 16:26 What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?
What is so sad and true most people will not carry their cross, but they do want those blessing and are the first in line to ask for them! Life is sure crazy! God bless you all.
yours in Christ,
PS: please forgive my spelling and all, for I am upset right now!
Here are two e-mails from our brothers Bill Stoneham and Mark Gabrielson carrying their crosses.
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 08:33:42 +1000
From: William Stoneham <ivc@acay.com.au>
Reply-To: ivc@acay.com.au
To: Raymond Aguilera <ray@prophecy.org>
Subject: From Bill in OZ!
Hi Ray,
While I was there, you prayed with me and some of the others (Ron, Carl).
You saw a light bulb and the bulb was loosing the outer glass area, as it was cracking up. Then another light bulb came in from the side and the 2 light bulbs came together at an angle. But the light never went out.
Well, I feel like I am cracking up at this point in time. I don't know what is happening. Mark who is my friend from South Africa, is keen to emigrate to Australia because of how bad the things are going in South Africa. He may be the other light bulb which comes in from the side.
Anyway I hope you get the packages. I will pray for your family, and you and an air conditioner, as I feel this in my heart. I am still pushing for the WEB site here. There is only 1 guy who looks after the domain names, which is done on a volunteer basis, and it is a little slow.
That all for now,
Subj: Warfare
Date: 98-08-03 23:19:15 EDT
From: gabriml@alaska.net (Mark Gabrielson)
To: ReyAgu@AOL.com (Raymond Aguilera (E-mail))
I'm experiencing my first real taste of warfare. It isn't any fun. The Lord has been pulling me through though. Holding the cross gives you an idea where people's hearts are at. Many cheered but many jeered. I just pray to the Father that He will change their hearts. Please keep me in prayer.
God Bless You, Mark
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