1221. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 5 December 1998 at 1:30 AM.

Hello my son, I enjoyed our talk. I know that you sense the Power of the Lord in your room. I enjoyed talking to you. You seem worried at times, but I can read your heart and I know you are sincere. I know that you truly love Me as I Truly Love you. All will go well. The wind from the north will come; will freeze. Then the wind from the north will leave. But the things that will be touched some will go cold; some will go hot; some will not even notice the wind from the north. I know that you do not understand the Words that I am telling you now, but it is the truth. Mark My Words! This is Jehovah, the wind will come from the north some will freeze; some will not feel it; some will cry; some will weep; some will not even notice, but the Power of the Lord through the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth will push the wind until envelops whole planet. Mark My Words! The day of the wind of the north is rapidly approaching to the point. Thank you for the little talk that we had tonight or should I should say early this morning. I want you to sleep well. Begin to do the work of God; work on your house. I will send you some money in the coming days and in coming months to take the burden off you. For I know your heart; I know your soul more than you give Me credit. Until tomorrow, this is your Father Jehovah. This is your Jehovah. This is your Father Jehovah. (over)


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