1242. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 February 1999.

I sense my physical body dying and my spiritual body becoming more alive in the last few days. I still sense a strong spiritual war around me though. The Lord has been opening my spirit to the upcoming Europe and Israel mission trips in the past few days with such a focus that it is frightening, but yet, I know in my spirit that this must happen. All of this makes me truly believe that the end of all that we know is close at hand. Even in the flesh, my body is becoming more aware of what is in front of us.

I remember once, years ago, I gave a prophecy book to a Mexican woman who could not read English (but I did not know this), but she was able to read it in her own language. When we spoke again weeks later, I was surprised how the Lord revealed His Word to her even though the book was not in her own language. The Lord is truly amazing!

And now in the recent months I am getting e-mails from people who write me asking me how I got their e-mail address for they had received a prophecy. One brother in Christ asked me to remove him from our e-mail list for he was closing his e-mail account. After looking for his e-mail address to remove it, I was surprised to find out he was not on our e-mail list. So I e-mailed him back and told him I could not find his e-mail address on our prophecy e-mail list. He was also surprised for he said he had been receiving my e-mails from the e-mail list for some time. Now yesterday I received another e-mail from someone else asking me how I got his e-mail address for he had received a prophecy.

Then there was the case where a friend of mine received a scripture from me that I did not send. In another case there was a rebuke from the Lord to a pastor who was not doing the Lord's will. I remember I had just finished typing up the rebuke e-mail and had just placed the period at the end of the last sentence, when my computer instantly and automatically sent the e-mail message out without me ever touching the send button. This really frightened me. Then a few days ago, I receive an e-mail from a Minister who had mailed me some money to help me with the European trip and he said his letter was returned. He e-mailed and informed me that he believed it was a spiritual attack from Satan. Maybe Satan is really trying hard to stop this Europe trip. And today I received an incorrect tax bill from the State of California asking for over $2500.00 within 30 days. I might add I should be in the middle of Europe during this time period. What a coincidence!

With all of these unexplained events one's own flesh begins to become aware of the spiritual forces and the warfare around this European trip and around this ministry. I still get many angry e-mails from people who call me all kinds of names or whatever. But the reality of it all is that the Lord is going to do what He said He was going to do whether they believe these prophecies or not. This is going to be a great shock to many brothers and sisters in Christ.

Last night at our bible study we discussed the testimony of two women who through their prophetic obedience saw how the Word of the Lord affected the people they knew and the repercussions that followed the people who received the Word of the Lord. This Word they received was on the level of life or death for a member or members of one of the woman's family. We really do not always know how our being obedient will effect people's lives until it has been completed by the prophet and the Lord. But it is always important to follow through even if you are looked down upon and even if you become an outcast. If we truly belong to Christ, we have to learn to obey and let the Lord cover us with His Spirit and let the Lord's will be done and let it become real in your walk.

The Lord revealed to me, through this bible study, the importance of being obedient in going to Europe. For in my heart I truly know that millions of lives are at the center of me being obedient. So please pray that I will have the spiritual strength and the funds to complete this Europe mission and the following mission to Israel sometime this summer for the Lord. And may we all jump onto the Lord's Train.


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