1320. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 April 1999 at 8:15 PM. in Spanish.
It is I. It is I, My son. It is I. I have placed all to the point, to the time it has to happen. All is in My Hands, your wife, your daughter, your son, all of the things I am going to give you. I am going to give them to you, with the Flame of God. Here comes your wife, My son. Here she comes! I told you many years ago, that I was going to give her to you, and I still have not changed My Mind. Here she comes with tears, with joy, with all of God. She is going to seek you out with the Heart, with the Mind of God. Yes, Reymundo, here she comes - the woman of your heart!
But remember We have to go to the town of My Son. Yes! I want you to place oil on the place that I will show you. I am going to begin to send you money, so you can go this year to the place; pointed, with the Flame of God. Do you remember the place of David? David knew all that God wanted and he did it with force to the point. But now I want you to go around the town of David and I want you to place oil on the points that I will show, that I tell you. I am going to send many Angels with you. For the devil does not want you to go. He is going to want to stop you, but he cannot do a thing. Because the End has arrived and I want you to mark the place around the town of David.
Yes, it has arrived to the point - the things of God! The people of the world do not believe what you are doing is important, but they are going to find out, when the Hand of God hits this world. I have told you that the war in heaven has already begun and the fighting is becoming harder and harder. The things of the devil and the things of God are hitting each other very hard, face to Face, and head to Head. Yes! The Force of the Spirit is going to begin to hit the world in the same manner. But I tell you these things little by little. For I know your mind cannot understand all that I am telling you.
You and I know the Manner of God is hard, but that is the way it is. I know that people are getting mad at you, because you prayed in the places I sent you. I know it wasn't easy, but I sent you with the Holy Spirit. I sent you with the Angels. All went well like I told you. Isn't that right! I know of the things and the fighting that happened there, but all is in My Hands, My son. It all is! And it will be the same when I send you to the old town.
Oh, Oh the devil is going to get madder. For he knows you are doing the Map of God to the point. He is going to hit you in the mind and in your heart, but all will go well because there are My Angels all round you, with the Force of God. All will go well! But those are things I will tell you more, when the days pass. But remember, here comes the money, here comes your wife, here comes all the things I promised you. Yes! For I do not say one thing and then do another. Here come the Force. Here comes the Hand. Here comes all of God to correct the things that have to happen.
The world is going to be frightened, but I do not care if the world gets mad or if they get frightened. For all happens to My Timing, for I am God. Like I told you the war in heaven is getting more intense. But all is in My Hands. All is going to happen like I have told you to the point. Here comes the tears of the world to the point. But if they do not read the Bible, if they do not seek out My Son. They are going to suffer more. I tell them to eat the communion and they become deaf. I tell them to pray and they become deaf. I tell them to seek out My Son and they become deaf. And this is the same with people of the churches, they are deaf and blind. They believe they know it all and they know nothing. But here comes My Hand if they are ready or not! Here comes My Hand with the Force of My Son, with Force of you God, with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
Get ready! Rest! For I know that you are sleepy, but all is going to go to the Timing of God. I am going to tell you the day you have to leave. I am going to send you, the money. I am going to send you, the prayers of the saints. I am going to send you, the Angels. For I have already have placed the date that it is going to happen. All that you have to do is: when I tell you to jump, you have to jump! When I tell you to stop, you have to stop! When I tell you to move, you have to move! It is very easy, isn't that right, Reymundo! It is very easy!
But do not worry. I told you I was going to send you the money, when I sent you to the countries (Europe). I told you I was going to protect you, and I protected you! Isn't that right! But now I have to send you to the other place, the old town, the town of God. But I will tell you more in the coming days. I will tell you more for I know that you are tired. I know that your mind cannot think right now. Your body has to sleep, but remember, what I have promised you, what I am going to give to you. With the Heart of God, I tell you the Truth.
It has arrived the Day of God. Tell people, that they have to pray. That they have to read the Bible. For here comes My Son with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of the Angels, with the Word of God. Remember, rest, My son. You have done your job very well and to the point. It has arrived all that is of God. The End. Yes! Yes! Yes! (over)
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