1326. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 7 May 1999 at 6:30 PM.

During prayer over the e-mail below, the Lord told me to post it. Then I began to pray for more details for the upcoming Israel mission trip, and the Lord gave me the Vision below.


Subj: Re: Give

Date: 99-05-07 11:47:49 EDT

From: ReyAgu


In a message dated 99-05-07 10:03:10 EDT, you write:

<< Subj: Give

Date: 99-05-07 10:03:10 EDT


To: reyagu@aol.com


If you feel led, I ask you to post this to your email list. I was thinking how easy it would be to meet the Israel trip expenses if the ones who enjoy receiving your email, would send you a small amount toward the trip expenses. Even if everyone only sent $10 to $25, it would add up quickly. We're reminded by Eph 4:28 why God has enabled us to work. It's also much more a blessing to give rather than to receive. Each who supports you shares in the Lord's work.

Eph 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Also, I would be most interested to know if you kept a record of the places you anointed on your last trip. If so, could you share these with us? I understand if you're led not to share.

Thomas >>

Hello Thomas,

Thanks for the e-mail. I will be listing the places covered on the Europe trip as soon as Eva mails me the Map we covered. I will pray about posting your e-mail. God bless.

yours in Christ,



During prayer the Lord gave a vision of this old dead tree in the middle of this desolate barren desert. The land looked frightening with an orange dark sky. I proceeded to pray as I looked at this strange landscape in the spirit. When my eyes were drawn to this old dead tree. As I watched, I saw a snake tightly wrapped around one of the dead branches near the top of the tree. The snake looked like it was afraid to move as it squeezed tightly around the branch. Then the branch somehow broke and fell onto the barren ground with the snake tightly wrapped around it. A very strange, but vivid vision. (over)


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