1332. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 13 May 1999 at 3:55 PM. in English.
The purity of the Body still remains with those who read the Bible from the beginning to the end with the Power of the Holy Spirit working in union with the spirit of each little sheep, each little lamb. The Truth will manifest itself through this union, through the connection with God. Teachers are fine, but most are corrupt. You have to learn to pray, to pray and to pray. Trust in the Holy Spirit to direct you, to point you to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In that way you will find the Father, Me.
We have to bypass the leadership, with the Power of the Holy Spirit - this will be done, through the reading of the Bible from cover to cover, through prayer, through Communion, through the Love of Jehovah, through the Love of Jesus Christ, through the Love of the Holy Spirit. For that is where the POWER is! Nowhere else. Everything else either works with Me or against Me. It is as simple as that! Don't get anxious. Be patient. Trust and have faith. For the Mercy of God is always there. Repent your sins. Read the Bible. Pray and move on.
I understand the burdens that you have. I understand the burdens of the world, but the things that are Mine will be saved, and the things that are not Mine will be swiped away. Remember My Words! For I do not Lie! The things of Jesus Christ, the things of the Holy Spirit, the things of Jehovah, will endure forever and ever and ever. But you have to focus yourself. You have to concentrate on the things of God. For the things of this world come and go. Friends come and go. Wives come and go. Family members come and go. Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Jehovah will always be there! Have always been there! And will always be there!
Remember My Words - Read the Bible from cover to cover, pray. For the Love of Jesus - For the Love of the Holy Spirit - For the Love of Jehovah is always there. We hear your tears. We will Protect you through those times that you do not understand, but you must trust, you must have faith. Oh! - by the way - you must work also. Don't sit there and do nothing. Do not rely on your faith to see you through these hard times. Faith is fine - but faith is dead without works! Remember My Words. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. This is Jehovah. (over)
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