1342. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 9 June 1999.

Letter to e-mail list: Hello Brothers and Sisters,

I will be leaving for Finland on the 10 July 1999 and then meet Carl and Mark on the 19 July in Zurich, and then the three of us will fly from there to Israel. I will be in Finland for 7 days setting up a computer for Eva. She has quit her job and she is going to translate the Prophecy Book into the Finnish language. She has already begun and she will do as much as she can for one year. She has been doing the translation work on a 10-15 year old Mac. So after putting it to prayer the Lord has given the OK to buy a computer and Internet service for her to do this work.

Also, I could use more prayers. I am only 4 weeks away from leaving for Finland and the spiritual warfare is steadily increasing. I am still having a hard time sleeping and I am finding a very small amount of blood in my salvia in the morning. My stomach is acid at times, my throat is sore, and my blood pressure is border line high. Also for the past few days my left arm has develop some kind of skin rash. I have been praying to the Lord about this, but my body is still not right. I did not want to spend Israel money for the doctor and lab work, but I did. The doctor does not believe anything is serious, but we are having some blood tests and a x-ray was taken of my chest. I did notice some blood in my salvia when I was in Kiev, Ukraine, but it went away and started again a week ago.

Please keep praying for this Israel mission trip. After speaking with Mark few times, he has said he is sensing an increase in the spiritual warfare too. We really do need a strong prayer cover, enough funds, and the strength to keeping us focused during this trip. I should get the results from the lab tests next week and I will be speaking to the doctor then. I guess that is all for now. God bless you all.

yours in Christ, ray


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