1369. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1999 at 1:30 PM.
During this time we were driving north trying to Anoint the areas on the 30 miles perimeter. Here are some of the Words and Visions the Lord gave me.
Vision at 1:30 PM.: I had a vision of the number 9.
Prophecy at 1:50 PM.: "The war in heaven is getting heavier." "Keep moving!" Then the Lord said that we were getting lost because of the intensity of the war in heaven.
Prophecy at 2 PM.: Then the Lord instructed us to Anoint the car the next time we stopped. And to Anoint all four corners of the car.
At 2:10 PM.: We Anointed the town of Petah Tiqwa at a park in the South East part of town 9 Km. from the turn onto Route 40. Then the Lord said, "You have gone far enough, you can look for something to eat."
So we drove into the West Bank looking for a restaurant in an Arab town. And the Lord said, "Do you want to eat with goats?"
So we left the Arab town and looked for an Israel restaurant outside the West Bank. We found this swimming pool and small restaurant on the Israel side and we ate there. I might say, that day was very hot and getting some cold water to drink felt great! Then the Lord said that we were finished for the day and to go home.
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