1389. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 1 August 1999 at 11:50 PM. in Spanish.

It is - I. It is I, My son. I know what you are seeking! I know! For I read your heart. Yes, Reymundo, there are many things of the world that you do not know. And there are many things that I am going to show you. Read the Bible and you will learn some things. But I am going to show you even more. I am going to show more and you are going to learn the Manner of God. Yes - My son, I am looking after you. I know that you were tired. I know that you were hungry, but all will go well My son. All will go well. Here comes the Manner of God. Here it comes, "The End".

The people of the world are not going to believe you. For they have the manner of the world. But that is the problem of your God. That's not your problem, My son! All you have to do is; "What I tell you" - and all will go well. I know that sometimes it is easy. I know that sometimes it is hard. But all is in My Hands. All you have to do is, "What I tell you, to the point"! And all will go well.

I know that you like the room that you have. It is very well, it is very clean, but I know the things that you need. I am going to give you the things that you need to the point, in the mind, in the heart, with joy I tell you these things. I like it when you laugh. Yes, Reymundo, I like it when you laugh! You believe I do not like it, but - Yes, I like it My son. There are many jokes in this world. There are jokes that are good. There are jokes that are bad. But the Heart of God is very Great. He can give you a joke too. And He can also make you cry. He can tickle you. He can give you a kiss if He wants. Just like the things of the world are going right now - there are many things that are bad.

Here comes "The End", Reymundo. Yes - here comes "The End". How did you like it when I showed you the moon. Do you remember that I told you it was going to be full! Yes, the Word of God is exact, and to the point. Yes, Reymundo, but I do not want you to stop your jokes. I like it when you laugh. I like it when you have joy. But there are other jobs that We have to do. Yes! We have not finished yet. We have many things to do. Yes - here comes your wife, My son. Yes, here she comes. And what I tell you is going to happen. Yes, go to bed and sleep. I will speak to you on another day My son, My beloved. (over)


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