1449. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 3 February 2000 at 7 PM.

During prayer at seven o'clock these visions came like a slide show. It was while binding and rebuking spirits that I had these visions.


A wolf - changes to a bat - then a frog - then a bear. The bear was tied around the shoulders and was pulled up. Then another bear replaced that bear, and it had a brown head and chest. The bear's head looked like an American bear, but it also looked like a panda bear, or had the colors of a panda bear. A strange looking bear.

Then the ground (the spiritual ground) began to shake.


Big scissors moving in a cutting motion.


Then I saw a blond woman's long single braid being cut in the middle.


Then I saw a hammer hitting a nail.


"I'm going to give you this woman."


I saw a butterfly, and it changed into a dragonfly. (over)


I saw a stick that was being bent into a curve, like a bow.

Vision: I saw a vision of some sort of a robot changing into a human skeleton. I saw it swimming under the water, and the water looked like an ocean.


Then I saw a vision of the Eiffel Tower, and the Eiffel Tower exploded.


Then the Lord showed me a vision of a communication tower that physically extended high into space from New York onto Europe, and the third leg looked like it was placed in Africa, but I am not sure. I did not see where the forth leg was placed, because the vision happened so fast.


During prayer I saw a vision of a rabbit that was laying next to the trunk of a large tree. Then a dog came from behind the rabbit, and bit the rabbit around the middle of its body, and ran away with the dead rabbit in its mouth. It looked like the rabbit was instantly killed. (over)


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